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This Friday, September 28, the Climate Change Lawyers Network (CCLN) will be hosting a session for anyone interested in the encouraging renewable energy community power projects. Presented in coordination with the Ontario Non-Profit Network, the session is a great opportunity to learn more about opportunities for community renewable power development in Ontario. Through a series of panel discussions, the speakers will briefly describe: the climate change challenge that the Ontario Green Energy and Economy Act was enacted to address; the Feed-in Tariff  (FIT) Program; the experience with community power in other jurisdictions; the community power incentives and assistance under the FIT Program (including the Community Energy Partnership Program); and the steps that not-for-profit entities, such as community groups, can take to participate in the FIT Program.

A full agenda, and registration information, is available on the CCLN’s website.

One of the Saxe Law Office’s Associates, Meredith James, is a member of the CCLN’s Executive and we are pleased to support her work with the CCLN and to sponsor this event.

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