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John Morrissey Estate lawyer with Siskinds LLP helped resolve Will challenge/estate dispute. Extremely impressed with results John has provided for me. John is professional, supportive, John answered questions and concerns I had promptly and with clarity every step of the way. I highly recommend John. - T.Y.

[Anna Szczurko], I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support & expertise during my case. Your hard work and care made a real difference. Thank you for the positive outcome and genuine concern. I'll always appreciate your exceptional service. It was a pleasure to have you as my lawyer. - R.C.

…Together Chris [Collins] and Charlene are the A-Team! Both were always attentive, supportive and caring on top of being knowledgeable, efficient and effective counsel. That is pretty awesome for a case that took seven years to resolve. I always felt that I had the best advocates I could possibly have for my case and over the years, I have referred every PI case that comes my to way, as I know for certain that any clients that hire them will be truly taken care of.

I can't thank Chris and Charlene enough. I hope that Siskinds knows how special and unique these two are... - S.S.

I just wanted to thank you [Rasha El-Tawil] for being there with me on this journey for the last couple years. You and your team helped me get through it extremely well. - A.M.

...If you are in Estate litigation, it is because your appropriate share of an Estate is being challenged. It is amazing to what extent family will go the get a “bigger piece of the pie” than they are entitled to. If John had not resolved these matters for us, we would have been out of hundreds of thousands of dollars that we were legally and legitimately entitled to.

I am privileged to recommend John Morrissey - R.H.

After my sister died in the UK, I called John Morrissey at Siskinds LLP. Although my sister died in the UK and I obtained probate in the UK, I needed help from a lawyer in Ontario because my sister owned assets in Canada that I could not access with the probate issued by the UK Court. After some research, I discovered that I needed to reseal the UK probate here in Ontario. When I contacted John, he knew exactly what needed to be done, and how to do it. John Morrissey and Heather Whitty were able to guide and assist me with resealing probate in a timely fashion, keeping me informed and updated all the way along...

If you ever need assistance with resealing probate granted in the UK, I strongly recommend that you contact John and his team at Siskinds. I had a wonderful experience. - H.B

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