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Published on: 8 Jul 2015 By

Environmental Commissioner report on climate change

Congratulations to Ellen Schwartzel, the Acting Environmental Commissioner of Ontario on her first report, issued yesterday. “Feeling the Heat: Greenhouse Gas Progress Report 2015”, is the latest in the Commissioner’s annual reports on climate change. The report concludes that the Ontario government will miss its 2020 target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions if it doesn’t do much...

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Published on: 19 Oct 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

More slash and burn: drastic cuts to Navigable Waters Protection Act

Much like their hatchet job on the Fisheries Act, the federal Conservatives’ Bill C-45 has taken a similar axe to the Navigable Waters Protection Act, among other environmental changes in their latest Omnibus Bill. The protection of the Act will be slashed from all Canadian waters that can be traversed by boat (including canoe or kayak)...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Failing Our Future on Climate Change

In his latest report, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner again strongly criticizes the Ontario government for doing too little on climate change. The Ontario government has done a lot, most notably closing coal-fired power plants and adopting the Green Energy Act. In this, Ontario compares well to other provinces and to our foot-dragging federal government. However, Commissioner...

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Published on: 3 Feb 2015 By

Ontario’s Halting Progress on Energy Conservation

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO), Gord Miller, released his 2014 Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report to the Legislature on January 13, 2015. Conclusion: we’re making progress on energy conservation, but there is so much more that could and should be done. Energy conservation is a critical step towards a less fossil-fuel reliant future, not to...

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Published on: 23 May 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

A big win for trees and tree lovers

Warmest congratulations to Clay Ruby for his latest public interest victory: preventing the destruction of a shared mature maple tree by one of the owners. Here is the decision in Hartley vs Cunningham, and the press release on this landmark tree ruling. Look for our analysis in next month’s Lawyers Weekly.

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Published on: 20 Oct 2014 By

U.S. Pentagon: Climate Change an Immediate Security Threat

The U.S. Pentagon’s latest report, the 2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap, calls climate change an immediate threat to national security. The forward, by U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, sets the tone: “Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and conflict. They will...

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Published on: 11 Dec 2020 By

How to trim eDiscovery costs part four: Set your review team up for success

In my previous blog posts How to trim eDiscovery costs part one: Laying the groundwork, How to trim eDiscovery costs part two: Review fewer documents and review efficiently, and How to trim eDiscovery costs part three: Leverage technology by adding tools and apps to your review, I discussed reducing eDiscovery costs by: Taking the time...

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