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Published on: 14 Jul 2015 By

Rouge National Urban Park: bigger, but probably not better

Stephen Harper announced over the weekend that if re-elected, his government will increase its proposed contribution of federal lands towards the creation of the Rouge National Urban Park. The park has been in the works for some time. To comprise a patchwork of both provincial and federal lands located within metropolitan Toronto, the park was...

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Published on: 11 May 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

"Resource Recovery" not "Waste Management"

What’s in a name? The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has renamed its longstanding Waste Management Policy Branch the “Resource Recovery Policy Branch“. The renaming is part of Minister Glenn Murray’s vision of a low-carbon circular economy, and of waste management as part of his action on climate change. Meanwhile, the Resource Recovery Policy branch...

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Published on: 14 May 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Approvals reform (EASR) for permits to take water

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change is now considering public comments on its latest approvals reform proposal: moving many permits to take water to the “permit by rule” approach of the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR). The next EASR proposal, for end of life vehicle management, is due later this month. The...

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Published on: 23 Sep 2021 By

Blades, boards & (non)automobiles

As teenagers return to school and students return to campuses, there is inevitably increased traffic on the roadways. This traffic can include more than just motor vehicles. Other modes of transportation, such as rollerblades and skateboards, also have an increased presence. This may leave drivers and the people utilizing these types of equipment confused about...

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Published on: 12 Feb 2021 By

Canada’s First Bitcoin ETF and the Regulatory Race to Tame Crypto

The race to launch Canada’s first ETF is over, and the Purpose Bitcoin ETF is the winner. In regulatory filings published only a few days ago on SEDAR, the Purpose Bitcoin ETF disclosed that the OSC had issued a receipt for its long-form prospectus. To offer securities to the public, an investment fund must first receive approval...

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Published on: 28 Feb 2018 By

EU Data Privacy Changes Are Just Around the Corner

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a series of laws that were approved by the European Union Parliament that come into effect on May 25th, 2018. The GDPR standardizes data protection across the EU member states and will bring harmonization across the EU regarding data privacy. It provides individuals with greater control over the...

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Published on: 19 Oct 2018 By

Superior Court of Justice Dismisses Third Party Action for Professional Negligence arising from the Purchase of Contaminated Land

The Superior Court of Justice recently granted a motion to dismiss a third party claim for professional negligence in a proceeding involving the purchase of a contaminated property that was subject to a remediation order registered on title (the “Contaminated Property”). CN Railway Company v. Crosslink Bridge Corp., 2018 ONSC 5475 (“CN Railway”) arose from...

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Published on: 26 Sep 2016 By

Former counsel escapes damages award when new counsel fails to sue on time

In June, 2016, Justice Faieta of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice awarded damages of $57,712.31 plus interest against legal counsel who failed to file a claim within the required limitation period. Missed deadline and time-management errors are the biggest cause of claims against lawyers at all sizes of firms, according to a 2008 report...

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Published on: 16 Nov 2021 By

Personal vs. commercial goodwill – Which one’s worth more?

What exactly is Goodwill? Goodwill is an intangible asset of a business. Although there are many varieties of goodwill, some of the more common examples include a high traffic or exclusive location, a strong reputation, brand name recognition, and great customer relationships. And what’s the difference between personal goodwill and commercial goodwill? Personal goodwill is...

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