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Published on: 21 Dec 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Regulation Decision Notice: Proposed Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals), which can be found here: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeId=MTEwMDEy&statusId=MTY3NDU3&language=en As a key pillar in supporting the development of Ontario’s green economy, the Ontariogovernment established O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals) under theEnvironmental Protection Act, on September 24, 2009. The regulation governs the approach to regulating renewable energy generation facilities based...

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Published on: 18 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Distinguished Service Award

Dianne thanks everyone who came out to see her receive the Ontario Bar Association Distinguished Service Award last night. Jon Clancy’s photos are posted at http://www.oba.org. Also, now that I am emerging from the first three weeks of my eight week trial in Ottawa, I will start catching up on other things. Trial work is...

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Published on: 8 Apr 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

New cars: greenhouse gas limits and ethanol

Canada will control greenhouse gases, although only when the US does. Last week, Canada and the US jointly announced stricter limits on GHG emissions from new cars (light-duty vehicles). This is the first-ever federal regulation to directly control GHG emissions across Canada. Our federal government also announced proposed regulations to require an average renewable fuel...

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Published on: 15 Mar 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Why do new fuel tanks leak?

New fuel tanks leak because our safety standards are too lax, according to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. In Muskoka Fuels v Hassan Steel Fabricators, the plaintiff petroleum distributor purchased a fuel tank manufactured by Hassan.  Diesel oil leaked from the tank into a bog less than 5 months after installation.   The tank had...

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Published on: 14 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Paul Ekins and green taxes

Prof John Ekins told a packed house today that wetern economies have to improve the productivity of carbon by a factor of 10 by mid century. Every knowledgeable person knows that depends on pricing carbon. Prof Ekins cites numerous studies that green tax shifts can also produce the necessay carbon reductions with higher employment and...

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Published on: 6 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

New brownfields rules

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has quietly adopted sweeping changes to the regulation of brownfields and other contaminated sites. Some of the changes were extensively reviewed with stakeholders during the past three years; others were surprises: See the 87 pages of Regulation 511/09 at http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_040153_e.htm. The most important change will be the new standards...

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Published on: 21 Dec 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Renewable Energy Approvals reg amended

Regulation Decision Notice: Proposed Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals), which can be found here: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeId=MTEwMDEy&statusId=MTY3NDU3&language=en As a key pillar in supporting the development of Ontario’s green economy, the Ontariogovernment established O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals) under theEnvironmental Protection Act, on September 24, 2009. The regulation governs the approach to regulating renewable energy generation facilities based...

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