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Published on: 4 Jul 2013 By

When Is a Layoff Not a Layoff?

Q.ย  When Is a Layoff Not a Layoff? A.ย  When itโ€™s a termination. A recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court has given some employers confidence that they will always be allowed to lay off employees provided they follow the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (โ€œthe ESAโ€).ย Unfortunately, we think that confidence may well...

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Published on: 16 Mar 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Children, toxins, energy and renovations

Are you thinking about renovating? As someone now living through a major renovation, I know that it is a big job. There are many complex factors to balance, to get the improvements you want, more or less on time and on budget, and preferably without too many surprises. The last thing you need is something...

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Published on: 8 Feb 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

A new crime: hacking carbon credits

In January, much of the European Union carbon trading system was shut down in response to the theft of carbon credits from a Czech carbon registry. Blackstone Global Ventures announced: Stolen EUA. Yesterday at 12 CET 475 000 allowances were unlawfully removed from our account with the Czech registry (OTE). We are doing our outmost...

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Published on: 7 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Export and Import of Hazardous waste

In late December, we were successful in having Environment Canada drop all charges against one of our clients. To the considerable fright of company staff, Environment Canada had executed a very public search warrant, with a huge search team, and had seized boxes of documents. Months later, the company, and its president personally, were charged...

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Published on: 20 Apr 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Canadian "recyclables" really waste, rot in Philippines

For two years, 50 shipping containers of Canadian garbage have been expensively rotting in the Philippines, at the expense of Filipinos. The containers were ย shipped as recyclable plastic scrap in 2013, butย reportedly contained a mixture of plastics with other household wastes, including adult diapers.

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Published on: 13 Dec 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Kudos to Environmental Commissioner

Our congratulations to Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner for three more excellent reports: 2012/2013 Annual Report: Serving the Public A Review of Ontario’s Weakened Protections for Species at Risk (Special Report, Nov. 2013) Building Momentum:Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report2012 (Volume Two) Like most other folks we know, we struggle to read everything that comes our way, and...

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