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Published on: 24 Sep 2019 By

Siskinds LLP class actions team ranked in top band of the Chambers Canada 2020 guide

The class actions team at Siskinds LLPย has beenย ranked in the top band of the Chambers Canada 2020 guide, issued by international legal research organization, Chambers and Partners. The firm was credited with consistently winning praise among interviewees, with sources noting: “It has always had very strong lawyers and is at the top of its game.”...

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Published on: 12 Jun 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Northern Gateway pipeline doomed by BC and aboriginal opposition?

For an interesting take on the Enbridgeย Northern Gateway pipeline, and the likely impact of the British Columbia government’s public rejection of the proposal, check out the excellent US environmental news program, Living on Earth. Like many other observers, Living on Earth concludes that the federal government might find it hard to override BC’s opposition to...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

Simplified list of key issues at Copenhagen

Confused by the welter of acronyms and soundbites about international negotiations over climate change? Here is an excellent list of the key issues and options, from Planet Ark. And since few, if any, of these are going to be resolved today, you’ll want to keep this list handy to score what happens in the next...

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Published on: 20 Nov 2015 By

Thank you and goodbye

After twenty-five very good years, we areย wrapping upย the Saxe Law Office. Todayย concludes Dianne’s association with the website and blog here at envirolaw.com. Thank you to my excellent staff, clients and colleaguesย for all your help, encouragement and challenging opportunities. As of November 23, 2015, myย private law practice and website are being operated byย Siskinds. May the next...

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Published on: 9 Apr 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Expert Evidence at the Environmental Review Tribunal

Dianne Saxe spoke last week at the Ontario Bar Association seminar on Using Environmental Experts Effectively at the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal. Here is a copy of her presentation:ย Experts at Environmental Review Tribunal. In theory, expert evidence at the Tribunal is governed by much the same rules as in the civil and criminal courts, and...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Why so many environmental sample results are misleading

A knowledgeable reader writes: “Dear Diane, …Reading through the various “Environmental Law and Litigation” articles excellently written by your staff, I’m increasingly frustrated by the universal failure throughout the industry to recognize a very serious flaw at the root of environmental site assessments/cleanups and it is one that has serious consequences for all involved, particularly...

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Published on: 24 Feb 2017 By

Former Employee Successfully Sued for Defamation for Facebook Posts

In recent years, careless, or letโ€™s say, less than sensible comments on social media have gotten countless employees in trouble with their boss. Employees who have used Facebook as a forum for posting threatening language and vile insults about a supervisor or offensive accusations about the company they work for have quickly been shown the...

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