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Published on: 3 Nov 2014 By

Jian Ghomeshi Case Involves a Complicated Interaction of Labour and Employment Law Principles

The recent termination of Jian Ghomeshiโ€™s employment by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (the โ€œCBCโ€) from popular radio program โ€œQโ€ has raised a number of important moral questions about the allegations against the former host. However, the situation also raises fundamental legal questions, including whether an employer may terminate an employee based on his or her...

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Published on: 28 Nov 2013 By

MOE explains its new Noise Guideline, NPC 300

Last month, the Ministry of the Environment’s new noise guideline came into force: NPC 300 – the newย Environmental Noiseย Guideline:ย Stationary and Transportation Sources โ€“ย Approval and Planning. It replaces the three old guidelines, LU-131, NPC-205, and NPC-232. NPC 300 includes new mitigation options, definitions, and aย new land use class. Last week we had the opportunity to attend...

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Published on: 30 Oct 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

How big are 25,000 tonnes of GHG?

Ontario is proposing to follow the US lead, and require mandatory greenhouse gas emission reporting from organizations and facilities that emit more than 25,000 tonnes of CO2e per year. (Our federal reporting threshold has just dropped from 100,000 tonnes to 50,000.) Even 25,000 tonnes will catch only large firms, burning more than, for example, 58,000...

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Published on: 4 Jan 2018 By

Welcoming Three New Partners – January 2018

Siskinds LLP is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2018, Rasha El-Tawil and Michael Polvere were admitted as partners of Siskinds LLP, and Caroline Perrault as a partner of Siskinds Desmeules LLP, our Quebec affiliate. These lawyers have excelled in their respective areas of personal injury law, commercial litigation, and class actions, and...

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Published on: 29 Dec 2017 By

The Risks of Cutting Off an Employee’s Insurance Benefits After Termination

We frequently warn our clients about the significant risks of prematurely cutting off an employee’s insurance benefits post-termination. Here isย an excellent article from the Globe & Mail explaining the reasons for that advice. If you have any questions regarding this article or any other labour and employment topics, please contact anyone from Siskinds’ labour and...

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Published on: 30 Sep 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

What will it take for facts to overcome fear about wind turbines?

People who actually live with and host wind turbines on their properties are rarely heard in the emotional debate on wind farms and health. Australian filmmaker and researcher Neil Barrett is giving this critical group a voice in his excellent short film, The way the wind blows. Evidence around the world has shown that those...

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Published on: 23 Aug 2017 By

Just Cause: All’s Well That Ends Well, But in the Meantime…

Itโ€™s not news to readers of this blog that proving just cause for the dismissal of an employee is a high hurdle. Our clients also know that we usually recommend the continuation of a dismissed employeeโ€™s group benefits during negotiations post-dismissal. Now thereโ€™s a case to highlight the important connection between these two principles. Remy...

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Published on: 15 Mar 2018 By

So You’re Interested in Buying a Franchise. What Next?

Buying a Franchise There are many reasons to buy a franchise. Whether youโ€™re attracted to the prospect of running your own business, the support that being a part a franchise system offers, owning a business that already has an established presence and reputation, the higher rate of success franchised businesses experience over other start-ups or...

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Published on: 20 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Wastewater system regulations – what will they mean?

For an excellent analysis of the proposed federal Wastewater System Effluent Regulations under the Fisheries Act, see CWWA. The proposed regulations will significantly tighten wastewater treatment standards across the country, and have major cost and liability implications for municipalities.

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