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Published on: 7 Jan 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Proposed law to ban organic waste from landfills

Former environment minister Norm Sterling has introduced a private member’s Bill to ban organic waste from landfills. The Bill would amend the Environmental Protection Act. Most private members’ Bills die on the order paper, but some make it through and become law, with the support of the governing party. Mr. Sterling’s Bill received at least...

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Published on: 25 May 2015 By

MOECC Updates – May 2015

As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed of environmental issues that could impact your business, we have collected this list of recent MOECC news and fines for violations of the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act. If you have any questions or would like more information about how these Regulations have...

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Published on: 6 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate change a breach of public trust?

Attorneys representing groups of one or more children and  young adults are filing legal actions against the US government, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia, in which they allege that the public trust doctrine requires government entities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and implement reforestation programs in order to fight climate change.  The...

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Published on: 9 May 2012 By

The Latest on Overtime Class Actions

There has been lots of press coverage respecting a number of class actions by employees who claim that they have been improperly denied overtime pay.  The reality is that actions by individual employees are unlikely to be commenced as the legal fees relative to the potential recovery make such claims prohibitively expensive except in cases...

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Published on: 4 Jul 2013 By

When Is a Layoff Not a Layoff?

Q.  When Is a Layoff Not a Layoff? A.  When it’s a termination. A recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court has given some employers confidence that they will always be allowed to lay off employees provided they follow the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“the ESA”). Unfortunately, we think that confidence may well...

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Published on: 7 Mar 2014 By

Towards a New Class Action Certification Costs Framework?

Introduction In a succession of decisions issued in November 2013, Justice Belobaba articulated a new framework for determining the appropriate level of costs to be awarded on class action certification motions.1  Citing the fundamental objective of access to justice, Belobaba J. expressed a preference for a no costs regime in class proceedings.  His Honour indicated...

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Published on: 26 Nov 2012 By

Jurisdictional Issues in Canadian Defamation Law: Can you sue in your home province?

In this new article Siskinds Associate Mike Polvere takes an in depth look at the issue of cross border litigation and defamation. He discusses how the courts go about choosing the best jurisdiction to hear the matter. Is it prudent to start a libel action in Canada if the person who defamed you resides in...

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