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Published on: 26 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Industrial Waste Surcharge Agreements – fair?

The City of Toronto is demanding that local industries sign a draconian new form of 2012 Waste Discharge Agreement, to come into force on January 1, 2012. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement could seriously prejudice any organization that signs it. For example, it gives the Cityย the right to determine compliance without taking scientifically valid samples. As...

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Published on: 10 Mar 2015 By

Will Toronto go to full cost recovery in Surcharge Agreements?

In 2008, Toronto’s Auditor Generalโ€™s Report on Protecting Water Quality and Preventing Pollution recommended that Toronto should charge industries the full cost of sampling, testing and treating their high strength sewage. In November 2012,ย Toronto Council considered, and rejected, the idea, settling for a small partial increase, presumably worried about driving more industry out of the...

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Published on: 3 Mar 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

More cities adopting stormwater fees: you pave, you pay

In 2011, ย we wrote about the innovative stormwater fee adopted by Kitchener, Ontario, following English and American precedents. Instead of funding storm water management through feesย for municipal water, which penalizes heavy water users such as laundries, these municipalitiesย fund the cost of managing stormwater through taxesย on those who create storm water management problems by having large...

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Published on: 3 Sep 2015 By

International Chemicals Management meeting

In 2002, at theย World Summit on Sustainable Development, the international community adopted an ambitious target for world wideย sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes by 2020: [T]hat chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment, using transparent science-based risk assessment procedures...

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Published on: 14 Feb 2012 By

Independent Contractor: To Be or Not to Be โ€“ That is the Question

As an employment lawyer, I am often approached by clients on the issue of โ€œindependent contractors versus employeesโ€.ย Corporate clients look to use independent contractors, rather than employees, to perform work more cheaply and with more flexibility โ€“ without costs such as CPP, EI, EHT, WSIB premiums, benefits, overtime, etc. and without the necessity of complying...

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Published on: 21 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Liability insurer need not pay for voluntary delineation and cleanup

According to Ontario’s Court of Appeal, General Electricย Canada (GE) can’t make its liability insurer pay for the delineation and cleanup of a former GE property contaminated with trichloroethylene (โ€œTCE”), because it voluntarily complied with a Ministry of the Environment request to do so.

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Published on: 21 Sep 2023 By
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Understanding privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and their importance for your business

In the ever-evolving data privacy landscape, businesses must stay ahead of the curve to protect themselves and their customers. One crucial tool that can help you navigate this complex terrain is a privacy impact assessment, or PIA. What is a privacy impact assessment (PIA)? Privacy impact assessments are like a roadmap for safeguarding personal data...

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