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Neonicotinoid / Honey Bees

Bayer and Syngenta: Neonicotinoids (Honey Bees and Beekeepers Class Action) In 2014, Siskinds LLP and Siskinds Desmeules began class actions in Ontario and Quebec against Bayer and Syngenta (the “Defendants”), who are involved in the development, production, marketing and selling of neonicotinoid pesticides. Neonicotinoids are commonly used in agriculture in Quebec to eliminate certain pests...

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The claim period has now passed (June 27, 2024) A settlement was approved in the Canadian Oxycontin Class Actions. The Claims Administrator is currently analyzing and processing the claims filed. A notice of decision will be sent to individuals, or their respective law firms, that filed a claim once the claims analysis is complete. For...

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Published on: 14 Dec 2015 By

The Paris Agreement

Over the weekend, representatives from 195 countries signed an historic agreement aimed at curbing climate change. The “Paris Agreement,” which has yet, of course, to be ratified, is being touted as a “universal” climate agreement, with 195 signatories. Industry, policy-makers, ENGOs, and others will no doubt continue to digest the Agreement, and its implications, over the...

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Published on: 9 Dec 2015 By

Bird-building collisions and ECAs

The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (“MOECC”) has posted to the Environmental Registry  (“ER”) a proposal for a draft regulatory amendment to exempt reflective building surfaces (such as the windows of office buildings) from requiring an Environmental Compliance Approval (“ECA”). (Unfortunately, the date for providing comments has just passed). Reflective building surfaces are...

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Published on: 3 Dec 2015 By

Ontario's proposed approach to cap and trade

Last week, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (“MOECC”) posted to the Environmental Registry its proposed approach to establishing a cap and trade regime in the province. Preferred and considered options for such a regime were are outlined in a “Cap and Trade Program Design Options” document, upon which the MOECC is accepting comments...

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Published on: 24 Dec 2015 By

The (Contaminated) Ground Beneath our Feet

The extent and nature of contaminated land in Canada — the toxic legacy of our collective history of poor environmental stewardship, including through weak environmental regulation — continues to invade the headlines. A few weeks ago, a CBC/Radio-Canada report revealed that dozens of former dumps on the island of Montreal have been covered over without ever having been decontaminated. Numerous municipal...

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