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The claim period has now passed (June 27, 2024) A settlement was approved in the Canadian Oxycontin Class Actions. The Claims Administrator is currently analyzing and processing the claims filed. A notice of decision will be sent to individuals, or their respective law firms, that filed a claim once the claims analysis is complete. For...

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Ozempic / GLP-1 Drugs

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (aka GLP-1 drugs) are pharmaceutical drugs that have been approved by regulators as treatments for type 2 diabetes and โ€“ in some cases โ€“ for chronic weight management. Among the most popular GLP-1 drugs are Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy (all of which contain the active ingredient semaglutide). Ozempic and other GLP-1...

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Implantable central venous catheters (“CVCs”) are medical devices that are implanted in the chest or near the neck to provide long-term access to major veins to allow for repeated drawing and/or delivery of fluids, medications and/or nutrients. These devices are common in cancer patients who require repeat chemotherapy treatments, as well as in patients with...

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Published on: 24 Dec 2015 By

The (Contaminated) Ground Beneath our Feet

The extentย and nature of contaminated land in Canada — the toxicย legacy of our collective history of poor environmental stewardship, including through weak environmental regulation —ย continues to invade the headlines. A few weeks ago, a CBC/Radio-Canada report revealedย that dozens of former dumps on the island of Montrealย have been covered over without everย having been decontaminated. Numerous municipal...

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Published on: 14 Dec 2015 By

The Paris Agreement

Over the weekend, representatives from 195 countries signed an historic agreement aimed at curbing climate change. The “Paris Agreement,” which has yet, of course, to be ratified, is being touted asย a “universal” climate agreement, with 195 signatories. Industry, policy-makers, ENGOs, and others will no doubt continue to digest the Agreement, and its implications, over the...

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