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Published on: 30 Nov 2021 By

Associate agreements in a medical, dental, or other professional practice

Many new graduates will decide to enter a medical, dental, or other professional practice by joining an existing practice as an associate.ย  An associate agreement is an agreement that governs the business relationship between the professional or the corporation that owns the practice (for the purposes of this article, referred to as the principal) and...

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Published on: 1 Dec 2021 By

As a Canadian permanent resident, can I travel outside Canada without the Permanent Residence Card during COVID-19?

Since March 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (โ€˜IRCCโ€™) have being abstaining from the traditional in-person permanent residence landing appointments to validate Confirmation of Permanent Residence (โ€˜CoPRโ€™). Instead, the IRCC have been completing virtual landing and issuing electronic CoPRs. To facilitate the virtual landing, the IRCC use the Online Permanent Residence Confirmation Portal. The Portal...

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Published on: 9 Dec 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Water rebates — a new twist on enforcement

Violations of a municipal sewer by-law are normally punished by prosecution. This requires a municipality to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a violation has occurred. In addition, the defendant has an opportunity to escape punishment by proving that it used due diligence. The maximum fines are set by by-law, and are often relatively modest;...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2018 By

Are gifts โ€œincomeโ€ for support purposes?

In a previous article, I set out a list of common situations wherein a court may impute income to a support payor, as set out in the Child Support Guidelines. One situation not specifically included in that list is the situation of โ€œgiftsโ€, which are non-taxable payments that do not appear on a support payorโ€™s...

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Published on: 29 Nov 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

London fined $20,000 for wastewater plant spill

The City of London was fined $20,000, plus the 25% victim fine surcharge, for breaching its Ministry of the Environment approval for a wastewater treatment plant, contrary to the Ontario Water Resources Act. The City of London owns and operates the Greenway Pollution Control Centre. The facility treats municipal wastewater prior to discharging into the...

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Published on: 8 Nov 2023 By

Can an Ontario-regulated employer prohibit their employees from discussing their salaries, bonuses and other compensation?

While open discussions about compensation between employees were once considered impolite, they are becoming more common as people gain awareness of pay inequities.ย  In 2023, women and visible minorities, on average, still earn less than their male counterparts who are not part of a visible minority. To address these gender and racial pay gaps, governments...

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Published on: 25 Apr 2019 By

Ontario Moves to Formalize the Use of Third-party Off-sets Under the Endangered Species Act, 2007

The Ontario government has published the results of its 10-year review of the Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6(the โ€œActโ€). While the results are reported in summary fashion, the review has resulted in multiple proposed changes to the Act.ย  The proposed changes have been posted on the Environmental Registry under five broad categories:...

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Published on: 26 Dec 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

2008 Statements of Environmental Values

This fall, several ministries, including the Ministry of the Environment, quietly adopted new Statements of Environmental Values, to replace the 1994 versions. The new SEVs are more detailed and more ambitious. This may make it even more difficult for the MOE to issue approvals for innovative technology, in light of this year’s decisions inย Lafarge. ย ...

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Published on: 3 Feb 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental Assessment: Foreigners keep out?

According to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, โ€œAnyone looking at the record of approvals for certain major projects across Canada cannot help but come to the conclusion that many of these projects have been delayed too long.ย  In many cases, these projects would create thousands upon thousands of jobs for Canadians…Unfortunately, there are environmental and...

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Published on: 18 Nov 2013 By

Is parent company liable for crimes of foreign subsidiary?

The Ontario Superior Court has dismissed Hudbay Minerals’ motion to strike out the claims against it, and its subsidiary, for rapes and other human rights abuses allegedly committed in Guatemala. The Court concluded that the plaintiffs’ claim, that the Canadian parent company is liable, in Canada, for the subsidiary’s security personnel’s crimes in Guatemala, will...

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