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Published on: 20 Sep 2016 By

Appeal Court overturns OMB Overreach

At the end of August, the Divisional Court granted the Town of Richmond Hillโ€™s appeal of a decision of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The OMB approved Richmond Hillโ€™s Official Plan policies that required the conveyance of parkland as a condition of development, but then directed that the conveyance be subjected to an overall cap...

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Published on: 30 Nov 2016 By

Three-Year Phase Out Proposed For Neonicotinoid Pesticide

In an interesting twist, Health Canada just announced its intention to manage the agricultural uses of the pesticide imidacloprid to protect aquatic insects; this pesticide, like other neonicotinoid pesticides, has been under fire for some time for its effects on pollinators, for which we have written extensively about. Health Canada has recently completed a re-evaluation...

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Published on: 10 Apr 2017 By

Snapping Turtle Hunt Banned in Ontario

The Ontario government has announced amendments to the Hunting Regulation (O Reg 665/98, made under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997) that will, among other changes, prohibit the hunting of snapping turtles in the province. In its original posting to the Environmental Registry (the โ€œRegistryโ€) the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (โ€œMNRFโ€) proposed...

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Published on: 17 Dec 2018 By

Imputing Income in Family Law

Before a lawyer or judge can determine an appropriate amount of support for a person to pay, it is necessary to first determine the support payorโ€™s income. Sometimes this is easy โ€“ if you are an employee, with no complicating factors, your income is accurately reflected on line 150 of your income tax return. But...

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Published on: 22 Dec 2021 By

So, you want to settle your family law case?

Family law disputes can be especially challenging for the couple involved.ย They are never easy. Often, the participants are parents who share children. Sometimes, they are shareholders who share a business. The point is that there is a lot at stake. The issues are very personal and there is an emotional layer to the family law...

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Published on: 9 Mar 2022 By

How does Wordle save my stats?

If you guessed cookies, youโ€™re wrong. Wordle saves your stats onto your browserโ€™s local storage. Wordle does not use cookies to save your stats. However, you may be wondering, what are cookies and how are they different from your local storage? Before I explain the difference between the two, you need to generally understand what...

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Published on: 22 Sep 2014 By

A Missed Opportunity: The Supreme Court Declines Leave to Appeal in Wakelam v. Wyeth Consumer Healthcare

The Supreme Court has declined leave to appeal in Wakelam v. Wyeth Consumer Healthcare. The decision means that the far-reaching findings of the British Columbia Court of Appeal in the areas of consumer protection, competition and restitution law, are permitted to stand. It also means that a conflict among several appellate decisions, concerning the availability...

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Published on: 6 Feb 2012 By


Weโ€™re all familiar with the classic scenario when the response to a termination by an employer prompts the response, โ€œYou canโ€™t fire me.ย I quit!โ€.ย But after the dust settles from the initial blow-up, what happens next?ย A recent case from the British Columbia Court of Appeal is instructive. In Giza v. Sechelt School Bus Service Ltd. ,...

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Published on: 13 Nov 2012 By

Silence Is Golden: What happens when confidentiality provisions are breached?

Settlements with employees often include confidentiality provisions. What happens when those confidentiality provisions are breached? A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario inTremblay v. 1168531 Ontario Inc. provides some useful guidance. The employer operated a Subway store in Cornwall, Ontario and Trish-Ann Tremblay was one of its employees. Following her termination by...

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