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Published on: 10 Feb 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

De-polluting end of life vehicles, at last?

After years of effort by Ontario’s mainstream auto recyclers, in cooperation with automobile manufacturers, the Ministry of the Environment is getting close to a permit-by-rule system for recycling end of life vehicles. Given the elaborate market that already exists for vehicle recycling, this is far better than the MOE’s standard “extended producer responsibility” model for...

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Published on: 1 Apr 2019 By

Final Report of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Focused on Energy Conservation

As of today, April 1, 2019, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s (ECO) website reads:  From 1994 to 2019, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO), an independent officer of the Legislature, reported on government progress on climate change, energy and other environmental issues. As of April 1, 2019, the ECO became a part of the Office...

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Published on: 21 Jun 2019 By

Buyer Beware: What happens to your real estate deposit when conditions aren’t fulfilled

In most circumstances, a buyer will submit a deposit on acceptance of their offer to purchase residential property. These deposits are typically held in trust by the seller’s brokerage and can range anywhere from $100 to $50,000 or more depending on the location and nature of the property. For their protection, the buyer may also...

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Published on: 9 Apr 2020 By

COVID-19 exposure in the workplace: will WSIB approve the claims?

Are workers entitled to WSIB benefits if they contract COVID-19 at work? The answer, in some circumstances, is yes.   The WSIB has stated that workers will be entitled to benefits for COVID-19 “arising out of and in the course of the worker’s employment”; this is simply a reflection of the standard approach to adjudicating whether an injury or...

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Published on: 15 Nov 2019 By

Can employers ask job-applicants if they are eligible to work in Canada on a “permanent basis”? That’s the $120k question.

As a part of their job-application process, many employers ask applicants a question about the applicant’s ability or eligibility to work in Canada. Depending on the exact wording of that question, it may violate the Human Rights Code (the “Code”). Such a violation could be costly. In 2018, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal issued the...

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Published on: 15 Jun 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Municipal incentives for Brownfields

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has released a very useful website, Municipal Financial Incentives for Brownfield Redevelopment – Trends among Ontario Municipalities  to provide information and analysis on how Ontario municipalities are employing planning and financial tools to encourage brownfield redevelopment in their communities. This report includes a municipal chart and map  to help locate...

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Published on: 15 Jun 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bruce to Milton transmission line progress

One of Ontario’s most promising areas for wind power development is the Bruce Peninsula. However, renewable energy development on the peninsula has been severely constrained by Ontario’s contractual commitment to devote most of the existing transmission capacity to the Bruce nuclear plant. The resulting “Orange Zone” will only be released when the new Bruce to...

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Published on: 20 Jan 2020 By

When is an investigation “appropriate in the circumstances”?

Every investigator has had one of “those” files. Allegations are abundant, historical, and/or about things like “he walked past me once without speaking to me.” Can an investigator refuse to look into allegations if they are ancient? What if they wouldn’t constitute harassment even if they can be proven? So far, the case law has...

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Published on: 5 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fracking and hazardous waste

Nova Scotia has followed Quebec, and has launched its own investigation into the potential environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing to produce shale gas, especially the impacts on water. Meanwhile, the US EPA is anxious to formally start its own review.  Its Science Advisory Board will hold two full-day sessions later this month to review the...

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