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Published on: 5 Dec 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

When can municipalities regulate environmental impacts?

Eleven years after the landmark Spraytech case, how far have municipalities been able to go in regulating environmental impacts of federally and provincially regulated activities? The people who must live closest to a resource or energy project often turn to their municipalities to protect them from health and environmental harm. Some municipalities have therefore adopted,...

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Published on: 13 Oct 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate change: How strong is the evidence?

Is climate change science “real science”? Can climate change experts give expert evidence in court? Canadian courts have not yet wrestled with this issue, but American courts have. The leading case isย Green Mountain Chrysler v. Crombie. In 2007, the auto industry tried to prevent leading climate change experts from giving expert evidence, on the ground...

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Published on: 5 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental penalties gaining steam

Ontarioโ€™s environmental penalties regime for spills is gathering steam. The final count for 2009 was 13 penalties totalling $112,143.20, most under the Environmental Protection Act. The highest penalty was $23,750. Thirteen more penalties have already been issued in the first four months of 2010, totalling $77,003.

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Published on: 7 Mar 2013 By

Has the Time Come to Amend Section 2(3)

Is it time to abandon the ninety-day rule? Has the Time Come to Amend Section 2(3) (the โ€œNinety-Day Ruleโ€) of the Class Proceedings Act, 1992? Section 2(3) of the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 (CPA) requires that a certification motion be made โ€œwithin ninety days.โ€1 The timing of the certification motion, the central focus of much...

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Published on: 7 Mar 2014 By

Towards a New Class Action Certification Costs Framework?

Introduction In a succession of decisions issued in November 2013, Justice Belobaba articulated a new framework for determining the appropriate level of costs to be awarded on class action certification motions.1ย  Citing the fundamental objective of access to justice, Belobaba J. expressed a preference for a no costs regime in class proceedings.ย  His Honour indicated...

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Published on: 9 Jan 2015 By

The New Reality โ€“ Summary Judgment Motions

Following a recent decision, Michael Polvere describes why the old adage “I’ll get my day in court”, in the traditional sense, has changed. While much has been written by lawyers, and between lawyers, about the ground breaking case, Hryniak v Mauldin,[1] which was decided by the Supreme Court of Canada in January of this year;...

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Published on: 10 Dec 2013 By

Terminating Employees on Job-Protected Leaves: Can I do it?

I recently blogged about the Expanding World of Job-Protected Leaves.ย In short, over the course of the last 12 years, new job-protected leaves have been added to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the โ€œESAโ€) at an ever-increasing pace. Employers sometimes call me expressing concern about such leaves.ย Business conditions have changed.ย Performance concerns have arisen.ย Employers need flexibility to...

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Published on: 22 Oct 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

New brownfields standards coming soon

Ministry of the Environment staff are seeking approval for proposed changes to the brownfields regulation, 153/04. Last year, the MOE proposed far-reaching changes, including: much more stringent generic cleanup standards, to be phased in 12 months later, a more flexible Tier 2 for risk assessment,

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