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Published on: 24 Jul 2017 By

Neighbourly Bad Blood Results in Cost Award at the Tribunal

An alleged oil spill that occurred in 1990, giving rise to extensive proceedings before the Environmental Review Tribunal (“Tribunal”) and Superior Court, took an unexpected turn earlier this year, leading the Tribunal to issue an unusual costs award. In May 2014, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (“Ministry”) issued an order against Mr. Krek,...

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Published on: 25 Nov 2020 By ,

How Canada and the U.S. prohibit pyramid schemes differently

The U.S. and Canada prohibit product-based pyramid marketing schemes in different ways. This short article is intended to give multi-level marketing businesses a better understanding of the important legal asymmetries between the two countries.   The Canadian Competition Act specifically defines multi-level marketing (“MLM”) plans and prohibits pyramid schemes. The Competition Act1 at s. 55(1)...

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Published on: 24 Sep 2020 By

Dazed and Confused: Five contractual considerations for uncertain times

The year 2020 will not soon be forgotten. Despite the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has also provided a catalyst for substantial innovation and positive disruption to business models and commercial practices. During this time of business adaptation to respond to the unique challenges of pandemic-induced measures such as physical distancing and remote working,...

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Published on: 4 Feb 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Huge fine and jail for drinking water violations in township

The small Municipality of West Elgin (pop. 5,157) and three of its water distribution system operators were fined $154,500 in St.Thomas Provincial Offences Court for drinking water violations, including providing false information and failing to report adverse test results. One of the operators was sentenced to 30 days in jail and stripped of his right...

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Published on: 23 Apr 2020 By

Force Majeure and the COVID-19 pandemic

What is “Force Majeure”? Force Majeure provisions, which stem from the French term meaning “greater force” or “superior force” are incorporated into many types of commercial agreements. These clauses are generally put in place to relieve a party from having to perform its contractual obligations due to the occurrence of an unexpected, unforeseen, supervening, and...

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Published on: 22 Apr 2020 By

Approvals from federal authorities may not protect against charges under provincial environmental laws

In R v Great Lakes Stevedoring Company Ltd,[1]companies are given a stark reminder that provincial environmental laws and regulations must be complied with notwithstanding compliance with all applicable federal laws and regulations and operating exclusively on federal property. Great Lakes Stevedoring Company Ltd. (“Great Lakes”), a stevedoring operation on the Welland Canal in the St....

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Published on: 13 Jan 2020 By

Understanding the differences between GDPR, CCPA, and PIPEDA – a guide for Canadian businesses

Gone are days of unregulated and untethered data gathering. With the rolling out of the California Consumer Privacy Act, Canadian businesses are now finding themselves navigating a sea awash with a patchwork of extraterritorial legislation. The laws are sometimes inconsistent, often vague, and certainly confusing. It has therefore become critical that companies understand their obligations...

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