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Published on: 7 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Strong opposition to sewage processing facility foiled by filing error

Lystek’s controversial sewage sludge processing facility in Southgate, Ontario, will not face an appeal of its Environmental Compliance Approvals, because opponents, after fighting the facility for so long, made a critical error in seeking leave to appeal. See Green v. Ontario.

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Published on: 4 Aug 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bike tourism: Weโ€™re glad to help

One of the joyful things to do on a lovely spring, summer, or fall day is to cycle the beautiful areas around Toronto. We are proud to be sponsors, for the third year running, of Bikes and Transit. This great website has maps, GPS coordinates and encouragement for combining bicycles and public transit in the...

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Published on: 25 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

What's an ANS?

Here’s another fun question about Reg. 511/09, the recent amendments to Reg. 153/04: what’s an “area of natural significance” (ANS)? S. 1 now defines ANS to include “an area which is habitat of a species that is classified under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act 2007 as a threatened or endangered species.” ย What areas...

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Published on: 9 Jan 2015 By

Finding and Serving those Anonymous Bloggers

In a previous article published on this website, the strict limitation periods associated with a defamation action were discussed; particularly, the six week period for a Notice of Libel and the three month period for the commencement of an action in defamation, as is required under sections 5 and 6 of the Libel and Slander...

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Published on: 6 Jun 2013 By

Siskinds Sponsors the 2013 OMIA Golf Tournament

Siskinds is proud to sponsor this yearโ€™s Ontario Mutual Insurance Association Golf Tournament taking place today at St. Thomas Golf & Country Club.ย  This yearโ€™s event is raising funds to support the Farm Mutual Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to students whose parents or guardians are employed within the “Farm Mutual” system. For...

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Published on: 16 Apr 2013 By

New Law Times Article: “Court sends message with rejection of class settlement”

In a recent article published by Law Times, Siskinds Class Action Associate Daniel Bach gives his thoughts on the recent judicial rejection of the Kidd v. The Canada Life Assurance Co. proposed settlement.Read the full article on the Law Times website here.

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