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Published on: 13 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Sunrise Propane explosion – landlords added to class action

Here’s an update on the Sunrise Propane explosion in Downsview, Ontario, and the gradual progress of the class action by the aggrieved neighbours. In July 2012, the Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice certified a class action against all proposed defendants except the Teskey defendants, which owned the properties on which the Sunrise propane facility was...

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Published on: 7 Jul 2017 By

Toward Justice – The Road Ahead in Garcia v Tahoe Resources Inc.

“Get those coming up from under! Los de Abajo! Get the underdogs!” [1] On June 8, 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada refused Tahoe Resources Inc.’s application for leave to appeal the British Columbia Court of Appeal’s decision in Garcia v. Tahoe Resources Inc., 2017 BCCA 39.[2] I can only assume the plaintiff farmer, Adolfo...

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Published on: 11 Dec 2023 By

Emerging guidance on substantial compliance Wills in 2023

Until recently, a Will in Ontario had to meet the strict formal validity requirements set forth in the Succession Law Reform Act1 (the “Act”) in order to be valid. This meant that a Will had to be in writing and signed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses who also signed the document....

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Published on: 25 May 2017 By

Federal environmental law reform: expert Panel on NEB modernization releases its report

The expert panel created to study and propose solutions for reform of the National Energy Board (“NEB”) has released its report, entitled “Forward, Together: Enabling Canada’s Clean, Safe and Secure Energy Future” (“NEB Report”). The NEB Report comes on the heels of the report issued by the expert panel tasked with conducting a similar review...

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Published on: 23 May 2017 By

Court Allows Employer to Continue Random Drug Testing over Union’s Legal Objections

Unionized employers often face resistance when attempting to introduce drug and alcohol testing in the workplace. This is particularly true where the testing is going to be carried out at random. Employers who introduce these types of testing policies often face policy grievances challenging both the legality of the policy itself, and the employer’s right...

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Published on: 16 Jul 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

No personal environmental conviction without knowledge or participation

When is an individual liable to conviction for a corporate environmental offence? The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has insisted that management personnel are automatically liable for corporate environmental offences, and has laid numerous charges on this basis. The Summary Conviction Appeal Court disagrees. For personal liability, individual defendants must either participate in committing the...

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Published on: 6 Sep 2017 By

Court Grants Leave to Appeal on Umbrella Purchaser Issue

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology v Hitachi, Ltd., 2017 ONSC 2791 In Fanshawe v Hitachi, the plaintiff alleges that the defendants engaged in a conspiracy to fix the prices for CRT (an older technology used in televisions and computer monitors). The plaintiff alleges breach of the Competition Act, RSC 1985, c C-34 (the “Competition...

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Published on: 29 Jan 2018 By

Do Employers Have Human Rights Obligations to Former Employees?

Two sisters from Inuvik Native Bands were employed by White Tornado Cleaning Services, owned by Rhonda Sallows. Their employment ended when they both quit, in response to allegedly being yelled at repeatedly by Ms. Sallows. Ms. Sallows subsequently told the sisters that she was decreasing their pay rate to minimum wage for their last day...

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Published on: 5 Feb 2018 By

What Does it Take to be a Representative Plaintiff in a Class Proceeding?

In most class actions, class counsel represent class members in Court. One class member, the “representative plaintiff,” has important responsibilities with special duties to absent class members. Ontario’s class proceeding legislation requires that each class action have a representative plaintiff who: (i) would fairly and adequately represent the interests of the class; (ii) has produced...

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