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Published on: 10 Oct 2017 By

Teck Coal Fined $1,425,000

On October 5, 2017 Teck Coal Limited (โ€œTeckโ€) in British Columbia court pled guilty to three counts of contravening the Fisheries Act for discharging a deleterious substance, namely selenium, into a tributary of the Elk River frequented by fish. On October 16, 2014, approximately 45 dead fish were discovered in Line Creek which is located...

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Published on: 20 Oct 2015 By

Liberal platform on environment

According to the Liberal Party website, the new Canadianย government will: reverse the cuts that the Conservatives made to federal environmental laws and environmental assessments, consider climate change when proposing oil infrastructure, support government scientists, take climate change more seriously, stop political harassment of environmental charities, and boost investment in green infrastructure. For example, the Liberal...

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Published on: 23 Jan 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Supreme Court hears Chevron Ecuador pollution appeal

Can foreign pollution judgments be enforced in Canada? The Supreme Court of Canada has heard arguments on the attempt by Ecuador pollution plaintiffs to enforce their $9 plus billion Ecuador judgment against Chevron’s Canadian assets, inย Chevron Corporation, et al. v. Daniel Carlos Lusitande Yaiguaje, et al., Supreme Courtย of Canada File No. 35682. Although substantial pollution...

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Published on: 15 Jul 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Waterkeepers want notice of sewage bypasses

Congratulations to Lake Ontario Waterkeeper for their innovative application to the Ontario Environmental Commissioner, to force Toronto to give public noticeย when it bypasses sewage into Lake Ontario due to wet weather- about three times a month. The Environmental Bill of Rights allows anyone to filed a request for review of an existing practice or policy....

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Published on: 10 Feb 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

De-polluting end of life vehicles, at last?

After years of effort by Ontario’s mainstream auto recyclers, in cooperation with automobile manufacturers, the Ministry of the Environment is getting close to a permit-by-rule system for recycling end of life vehicles. Given the elaborate market that already exists for vehicle recycling, this is far better than the MOE’s standard “extended producer responsibility” model for...

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Published on: 31 Jan 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Excess Soil Management Guidance finalized

The Ministry of the Environment has announced release of the final, Management of Excess Soil โ€“ A Guide for Best Management Practices is now available on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry and the ministryโ€™s website.ย You can access the guide here. The document provides guidance on many aspects of managing soil for owners, developers and...

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Published on: 4 Dec 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Deadline for comments on bee-killing pesticides

December 12 is the deadline for submitting comments to the federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency about its weakย regulation of the bee-killing pesticides,ย neonicotinoid insecticides. Widespread use of neonicotinoids is strongly linked to deaths of both domestic and wild pollinators, but they are popular pesticides among grain farmers. The Ontario Beekeepers’ Association has a proposed comment available...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2019 By

Employers: Post and Distribute the Updated ESA Poster

Under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (โ€œESAโ€), employers must post a copy of the most recent employment standards poster (โ€œESA Posterโ€) prepared by the Ministry of Labour in a โ€œconspicuous placeโ€ in the workplace. The Ministry of Labour has just released a new version of the ESA Poster, which you can view/print at this link.[1]...

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Published on: 20 Feb 2019 By

Environmental Approvals โ€“ Failure to Register EASR

On January 11, 2019 Ace Auto Parts Inc. pled guilty for failing to register an End-of-Life Vehicle site on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (โ€œEASRโ€) resulting in a fine of $3,000 plus the 25% Victim Fine Surcharge. Ace Auto Parts Inc. was given a period of six months to pay the fine. We note...

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