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Published on: 26 Dec 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

2008 Statements of Environmental Values

This fall, several ministries, including the Ministry of the Environment, quietly adopted new Statements of Environmental Values, to replace the 1994 versions. The new SEVs are more detailed and more ambitious. This may make it even more difficult for the MOE to issue approvals for innovative technology, in light of this year’s decisions inย Lafarge. ย ...

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Published on: 3 Feb 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental Assessment: Foreigners keep out?

According to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, โ€œAnyone looking at the record of approvals for certain major projects across Canada cannot help but come to the conclusion that many of these projects have been delayed too long.ย  In many cases, these projects would create thousands upon thousands of jobs for Canadians…Unfortunately, there are environmental and...

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Published on: 25 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Moving Towards Ban on Cosmetic Use of Pesticides

Following the lead blazed by the City of Toronto and other municipalities, the Ontario government has promised to adopt “New legislation [to] ban the cosmetic use of pesticides in cities and towns.โ€ Now, until February 17, 2008, it is seeking public comments on how the ban should work. Despite its promises that agriculture, forests, golf...

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Published on: 14 Jul 2022 By

Updates to the Certificate of Authorization renewal process for Dentistry Professional Corporations

The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) has made a recent change to the annual renewal process for Certificates of Authorization for a dentistry professional corporation. For all dentists who practice through a dentistry professional corporation, this change is important as it may result in increased fees for dentists who are not aware...

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Published on: 14 Dec 2023 By ,

Employment considerations when purchasing a professional practice* ย 

Purchasing a professional practice can be an exciting time for the purchaser, but it can also be an overwhelmingly complex and time-consuming endeavour if you donโ€™t engage the right people to guide you through the process. There are many important business and legal considerations to keep in mind when considering whether to purchase a practice....

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Published on: 8 Nov 2023 By

Can an Ontario-regulated employer prohibit their employees from discussing their salaries, bonuses and other compensation?

While open discussions about compensation between employees were once considered impolite, they are becoming more common as people gain awareness of pay inequities.ย  In 2023, women and visible minorities, on average, still earn less than their male counterparts who are not part of a visible minority. To address these gender and racial pay gaps, governments...

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Published on: 31 Jan 2019 By

Changes to Hazardous Waste Movement

The federal government is proposing to consolidate and streamline the Export and Import Regulations, the Interprovincial Movement Regulations, and PCB Waste Export Regulations. The Proposed Cross-border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations (โ€œRegulationsโ€) was published on December 15, 2018 in the Canada Gazette. The goal of the proposed Regulations is to provide...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2021 By

Naturopathy, medical cannabis, and other โ€˜novelโ€™ treatments are acceptable within the Ontario Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule

Being injured in a motor vehicle collision is already a challenge. Those who seek support from naturopaths, medical cannabis, or other โ€˜novelโ€™ treatments to aid in their recovery may feel added stress as to whether the treatment they seek will be approved, and paid for, within the scheme of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule. The...

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Published on: 2 Aug 2018 By

How Ontario Regulates the Prevention and Containment of Forest Fires

Forest fires in Northern Ontario have been cause for alarm during the last two weeks, with residents in multiple communities being forced to evacuate their homes to escape the flames. Particularly affected is the Parry Sound District, as a result of the fire known as โ€œParry Sound 33โ€. This fire remains uncontrolled and spans 10,139...

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