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Published on: 25 Nov 2020 By ,

How Canada and the U.S. prohibit pyramid schemes differently

The U.S. and Canada prohibit product-based pyramid marketing schemes in different ways. This short article is intended to give multi-level marketing businesses a better understanding of the important legal asymmetries between the two countries. ย  The Canadian Competition Act specifically defines multi-level marketing (โ€œMLMโ€) plans and prohibits pyramid schemes. The Competition Act1 at s. 55(1)...

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Published on: 3 Dec 2020 By (She/Her)

Assessing medical malpractice damagesโ€”past and future income loss

This article on past and future income loss is part of a series of articles that discuss the types of damages that may be claimed in a medical negligence case. It is important to note, however, that each case is unique, and the damages claimed will differ as between individuals. The assessment of damages is...

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Published on: 19 Jan 2022 By

Does a father have unequal rights to parent?

In family law, there is a long-held misconception that mothers will be favoured over fathers for decision-making responsibility (custody) and parenting time (access). Back in the 1950s, courts firmly held that young children should spend the majority of time with their mother in what was called the โ€œtender years doctrineโ€. This is no longer the...

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Published on: 15 Mar 2022 By

Receiving an inheritance while on the Ontario Disability Support Program

Receiving an inheritance, either as a beneficiary under a Will or through the proceeds of life insurance, while on Ontario Disability Support (โ€œODSPโ€) can require some additional steps and planning to avoid a loss of benefits. Since ongoing qualification for ODSP benefits is based on a financial test, with certain assets being considered exempt assets...

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Published on: 27 Aug 2014 By

2014 Pesticide Prosecution โ€œRoundupโ€

Earlier this summer we reported that Ontario Pesticide Act prosecutions have become infrequent since the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOE) stopped having specialized pesticide enforcement staff. Now that the season is soon to change over, we decided to take a look at the yearโ€™s violation reports to see if MOEโ€™s intentions with...

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Published on: 23 Jul 2015 By

Does โ€œI Quitโ€ Really Mean โ€œI Quitโ€?

Case law has not always been clear on what constitutes a resignation by an employee. More often than not, it seems very difficult for an employer to establish a resignation where the employee changes his/her mind down the road. However, in Kerr v. Valley Volkswagen, 2014 NSSC 27 (CanLII), the court did just that. Mr....

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Published on: 21 Dec 2016 By

Where Can I Bring My Family Law Application?

Before you issue an Application for relief in family law, you first need to determine the appropriate municipality in which to bring your Application. This article deals with choosing the appropriate municipality within Ontario.ย For a determination of whether or not Ontario should assume jurisdiction over a case (i.e. where there is a competition over jurisdiction...

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Published on: 25 Nov 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Orgaworld wins organic waste odour appeal

Orgaworld Canada, a composting company, has won a hard-fought appeal for permission to compost disputed wastes at its Ottawa facility, despite MOE fears about potential odours. The disputed wastes include pet faeces, urine, and organic waste in plastic bags. In rejecting the Ministry of the Environment’s ultraconservative approach to the Orgaworld application, the Environmental Review...

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Published on: 21 Aug 2015 By

Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Awards over $150,000 to Former Employees That Suffered Sexual Discrimination

A recent ruling by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (the โ€œTribunalโ€) has set a new high-water mark for damages awards against employers. Employers that are found to have allowed their employees to suffer from sexual discrimination, including sexual harassment, in the workplace face potentially significant damage awards for โ€œmental distressโ€. In the past, such damage...

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