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Published on: 22 Dec 2021 By

So, you want to settle your family law case?

Family law disputes can be especially challenging for the couple involved.ย They are never easy. Often, the participants are parents who share children. Sometimes, they are shareholders who share a business. The point is that there is a lot at stake. The issues are very personal and there is an emotional layer to the family law...

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Published on: 18 Nov 2013 By

Is parent company liable for crimes of foreign subsidiary?

The Ontario Superior Court has dismissed Hudbay Minerals’ motion to strike out the claims against it, and its subsidiary, for rapes and other human rights abuses allegedly committed in Guatemala. The Court concluded that the plaintiffs’ claim, that the Canadian parent company is liable, in Canada, for the subsidiary’s security personnel’s crimes in Guatemala, will...

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Published on: 1 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Minister Murray's mandate letter

Every Cabinet minister gets his or her marching orders from the Premier or Prime Minister. These “mandates” used to be top secret, but Ontario now makes them public. Here is the mandate letter for the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with our emphasis added. On environmental legislation, note the commitment to reintroducing the...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2019 By

Spill Results in $100,000 Fine

On May 10, 2019 a transportation trucking company was fined $100,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharge for discharging a contaminant into the natural environment contrary to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act. In addition to the corporate fine the driver of the truck was convicted for one violation under the Environmental Protection Act...

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Published on: 19 Jun 2019 By

Changes to the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 Regulations Approved

On June 14, 2019, the Ontario Government announced that it will amend the regulatory regime that governs farmersโ€™ handling of manure and fertilizer. In Ontario, the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (the โ€œNMAโ€) regulates the management of manure generated from livestock as well as the application of manure and other fertilizer to fields in order to...

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Published on: 6 Apr 2020 By

Canada Emergency Response Benefit: a primer for employers

Please note that since this blog was published, there have been further changes made to the CERB program, summarized here. As such, this blog may no longer be fully updated/accurate. Most employers are aware that the Federal government has introduced wage subsidy programs, described in more detail by my colleague Jen Costin in her recent...

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Published on: 28 Jul 2020 By

Virtual hearing to save the climate

On July 12, 2020 a special virtual hearing was held to argue whether the case brought by seven young people1 against the Ontario government alleging that the watered down provincial climate targets in 2018 violated the Charter rights to life, liberty and security of the person should be dismissed. The case challenges the decision of...

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Published on: 6 Nov 2020 By

Ontario’s new restriction framework and what that means for Ontario businesses

Consistent withย the ever-changingย nature ofย rules and regulations around COVID-19, the Province of Ontario has announced a rehauling of theย COVID-19ย alertย framework we have become accustomed to (Stages 1-3), by way of theย Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework, effective Saturday November 7, 2020. What does this mean for businesses in Ontarioย today?ย Not much, unless you are situated in one of...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2020 By

Leaves, layoffs and terminations: COVIDโ€™s impact on Ontarioโ€™s workplaces

In the ever-changing employment law landscape of 2020, it can be hard to keep pace and understand your options and responsibilities for your workforce. This blog will discuss some of our clientsโ€™ frequently asked questions about leaves, layoffs and terminations. Covid Related Leaves of Absence The COVID pandemic does not give employees an automatic right...

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Published on: 22 Dec 2022 By

New transparency requirement for Ontario corporations

Effective January 1, 2023, Ontario corporations governed by the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) will be required to maintain a register of individuals with significant control. This change arises from Bill 43, which was passed by the Ontario government in 2021. Those familiar with federal corporations will be aware that a similar requirement has existed under...

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