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Published on: 7 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Zephyr Wind REA Appeal dropped

To date, every Renewable Energy Approval for a wind farm has been appealed to the Environmental Review Tribunal. The Environmental Review Tribunal rejected the first appeal, for the Kent Breeze wind farm, butย ruled that it will allowย the same or similar evidence in subsequent cases.11-208 MIDDLESEX-LAMBTON WIND ACTION GROUP INC. Essentially, the claim is that noise...

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Published on: 29 Feb 2016 By

Alberta Court of Appeal Upholds Termination of Employee for Cocaine Use That Resulted in Workplace Accident

As most employers know, the Ontario Human Rights Code (the โ€œCodeโ€) prohibits discrimination on the basis of, among other things, โ€œdisabilityโ€. While the Codeโ€™s definition of disability does not specifically include drug or alcohol addiction, the Ontario Court of Appeal confirmed over 16 years ago that drug or alcohol dependency would, or could, amount to...

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Published on: 20 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Certificate of analysis ok as evidence despite minor error and delay?

A court accepted a Maxxam certificate of analysis into evidence in an environmental prosecution, despite a minor error in an internal chain of custody, and a two month delay in issuing the certificate. The decision is useful for anyone who takes samples, analyses them or uses the result in court.

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Published on: 24 Sep 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Inco awarded $1,766,000 in costs for contamination class action

Justice J. R. Henderson of the Ontario Superior Court has awarded Incoย $1,766,000 in legal costs arising from the Smith v. Inco nickel contamination class action ย in ย Port Colborne, Ontario. This is less than a quarter of Inco’s actual legal costs, which exceededย $5,340,000 after certification.

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Published on: 9 Nov 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bruce Power Receives $100,000 Penalty for Refrigerant handling Violations

Bruce Power Limited Partnership, operator of the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant, has pleaded guilty to one count of violating theย Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999ย (CEPA, 1999). It received penalties of $100,000 for failure to conduct an annual leak test of all the components of a refrigeration system, contrary to theย Federal Halocarbon Regulations,ย 2003 andย paragraph 272(1)(a) of CEPA,...

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Published on: 15 Dec 2016 By

Ontarioโ€™s New Drug-Impaired Driving Laws

In an effort to put an end to drugged driving, as of October 2, 2016, drug-impaired drivers face penalties matching those in place for drunk drivers. Motorists stopped by police while under the influence of drugs now face a minimum $180 penalty and immediate license suspension. In additional, impaired motorists may face criminal charges. Drivers...

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Published on: 20 Apr 2017 By

Case Commentary: Bernstein v Peoples Trust Company, 2017 ONSC 752

A recent decision certifying a class action for prepaid payment cards demonstrates the potential of Ontarioโ€™s Consumer Protection Act and the limits of creative technical arguments at the threshold certification stage. Case Background Bernstein v Peoples Trust Company is a class action regarding certain prepaid Visa and Prepaid issued by the Defendants.ย The Plaintiff alleges that...

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Published on: 6 May 2014 By

Anti-fracking bylaws: US Lawyer wins green Nobel prize

Helen Slottje, a lawyer in Ithaca, New York, was recently awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for her work “helping towns across New York defend themselves from oil and gas companies by passing local bans on fracking” (the US equivalent of anti-fracking bylaws). Her legal research concludedย thatย individual townships could use zoning laws, through “home rule”, to...

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