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Published on: 24 Mar 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Blue Box funding arbitration is public

Arbitrator Robert Armstrong has ruled that the Ontario Blue Box funding arbitration between municipalities and Stewardship Ontario is to be held in public: “This arbitration concerns a significant environmental protection program for the province of Ontario. It also concerns a potentially significant amount of taxpayer money. Every municipality with a population in excess of 5,000...

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Published on: 27 May 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

$500,000 Fisheries Act fine for illegal pesticide use on salmon farm

Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd. pleaded guilty to violating theย Fisheries Act.ย Its illegal use of a pesticide contributed to substantial lobster kills in southwestern New Brunswick. The court ordered Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd. to pay a total of $500,000, one of the largest and most significant penalties ever levied in Canada under theย Fisheries Act. $50,000 of the...

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Published on: 17 Dec 2018 By

Imputing Income in Family Law

Before a lawyer or judge can determine an appropriate amount of support for a person to pay, it is necessary to first determine the support payorโ€™s income. Sometimes this is easy โ€“ if you are an employee, with no complicating factors, your income is accurately reflected on line 150 of your income tax return. But...

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Published on: 25 Jun 2018 By

Schoolโ€™s out: Play it safe in summer

The solstice was last week, summer is here!!! That also means that School ends, and Summer Activities begin. Now, our pools, parks, patios and more are open and ready for enjoyment and gatherings. The increase of outdoor activities means more fun to be had, but also should mean a heightened awareness of best safety practices...

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Published on: 8 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

City of Toronto announces Morton Shulman Avenue

Today,ย the Cityย of Toronto will unveil a very short new street. Morton Shulman Avenue leads south from Wilson to the exciting new Forensic Sciences Centre andย Coroner’s Complex that will open this fall. This LEED Silver buildingย will bring together the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, the Office of the Chief Coroner, and the Centre of Forensic Sciences, with...

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Published on: 31 Jul 2017 By

Frustration of Employment Contract: What to Consider Before Throwing in the Towel

Like any contract, an employment contract can be โ€œfrustratedโ€ when continued performance of the contract becomes impossible or would be radically different because of a dramatic change in circumstances. Employers typically raise frustration of contract to formally end the employment relationship with employees who have been away from work for a long time and are...

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Published on: 11 Jul 2017 By

Public Hearings Regarding the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, in London on July 17

Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, is currently working its way through the Ontario legislature and, if passed into law, would impose many new obligations on employers. For more details on those changes, please see our previous blog posts on the subject. Bill 148 is in the โ€œcommittee stageโ€ of the legislative...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2018 By

Are gifts โ€œincomeโ€ for support purposes?

In a previous article, I set out a list of common situations wherein a court may impute income to a support payor, as set out in the Child Support Guidelines. One situation not specifically included in that list is the situation of โ€œgiftsโ€, which are non-taxable payments that do not appear on a support payorโ€™s...

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Published on: 28 Feb 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Soot: another path to climate action… if we take it

What’s the best way to slow climate change? Governments have mostly wasted the last twenty years, conspicuously failing to effectively reduce the greenhouse gases in the Kyoto Protocol basket (ย CO2,ย methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride). Maybe we can do better on soot – also known as particulate air pollution, which is easier and...

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