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Published on: 10 Jun 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Three questions for PLCs

Here are three key questions that could improve the functioning of any Public Liaison Committee about a controversial facility. PLCs often get bogged down in attack and defence, with the facility operator trying to defend itself by controlling information, and aggrieved neighbours trying to get louder in the hope of being heard. I think a...

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Published on: 6 Jun 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Red tape, green economy?

Some federal Conservatives are reportedly interested in finding “red tape obstacles to a green economy”.  At one level, this is good news; I’m glad to hear of any government trying to build a green economy. The International Energy Agency issued an extraordinarily bleak report last week about the continuing growth in infrastructure for a fossil...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2014 By

How do I get my RDSP money?

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a government assisted savings vehicle introduced in the 2007 Federal Budget. The plan is available for individuals that qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and is intended to help ensure the financial security of an individual with a severe disability when parents and grandparents are no longer...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2020 By

It’ll never happen to us: Union avoidance in the age of COVID-19

Union organizing campaigns can start in several different ways, however many find at their root a feeling among employees of unfair or unequal treatment by their employer. Sometimes the friction point is pay and benefits, other times it is entitlement to a benefit or advantage that others may receive in comparable workplaces. Today, employees are...

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