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Published on: 1 Apr 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Transit class action, EA and the St. Clair Streetcar

Curactive Organic Skin Care is starting a class action over the St. Clair streetcar. It wants to sue the Ontario government, Toronto and the TTC for $105 million in damages. Curactive says hundreds of small businesses lost money, due to delays in transit construction, and to changes in the design of the street, such as...

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Published on: 16 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Was I right about air?

Was I right about air regulation 419/05? Ten years ago, the Ministry of the Environment asked for my opinion on the regulatory reform initiative that culminated in the new air regulation, O.Reg. 419/05. I wrote a column about it in the August/September 2001 issue of Hazardous Materials Management. (reproduced below). It is reassuring, in a...

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Published on: 16 Nov 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Cycling, accidents, and responsibility

A great deal of responsibility is placed on cyclists to watch out for their own safety. Under the Highway Traffic Act, a bicycle is a vehicle and has the same rights and responsibilities as other road users and the driver of a bicycle must be as conscientious as the driver of a car. The Courts...

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Published on: 27 Sep 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Redefining conservation, or waste and duplication?

Redefining Conservation is the Ontario Environmental Commissioner’s annual report for 2009/ 2010. The report is full of good advice on the usual themes, including the chronic shortage of resources for environmental protection, the many ways that our land use planning fails to protect habitat and species, and the need for much greater commitment to energy...

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Published on: 24 Aug 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Off-shore wind- lake zoning?

Ontarioโ€™s process for making Crown land available for renewable energy projects continues into its second phase as the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) invite the public to provide input on where, when and how the Government should make Crown land available for off-shore wind projects. The proposed policy is also seeking public input on additional...

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Published on: 4 Aug 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bike tourism: Weโ€™re glad to help

One of the joyful things to do on a lovely spring, summer, or fall day is to cycle the beautiful areas around Toronto. We are proud to be sponsors, for the third year running, of Bikes and Transit. This great website has maps, GPS coordinates and encouragement for combining bicycles and public transit in the...

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