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Published on: 21 May 2020 By

Some insurers offer stay-at-home drivers relief, but is it fair?

Anna Szczurko, personal injury lawyer at Siskinds LLP, comments on the relief measures being offered by some auto insurance companies in response to the pandemic. Read the full article in the London Free Press: Covid-19: Some insurers offer stay-at-home drivers relief, but is it fair?

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Published on: 28 Jul 2017 By

NAFTA Reform, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and Environmental Regulation

Canada, the United States, and Mexico are set to begin the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) in August. The foreign investment protection chapter (Chapter 11) is likely to be among other contentious aspects of the treaty to be addressed. Chapter 11 protects certain investments made in one of the party states...

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Published on: 31 Mar 2020 By

How will COVID-19 affect my personal injury claim?

The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Law firms have been deemed an essential business, and we continue to operate. In this new, rapidly changing climate, Siskinds’ personal injury team is taking every available measure to protect our clients’ interests. Siskinds’ personal injury department has enhanced our ability...

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Published on: 30 Mar 2020 By

Beware of standard clauses – the lesson from Walton v. Warren

On January 9, 2020 the British Columbia Supreme Court found in favour of the Purchaser awarding costs against the Seller when an underground storage tank was discovered approximately 2½ years following closing (“Completion Date”). The judge made this finding despite the Purchaser obtaining a UST inspection report prior to closing finding no USTs. In coming...

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Published on: 15 Aug 2018 By

Federal Government Announces Funding for Four Projects Under the Environmental Damages Fund

The Environmental Damages Fund was established in 1995 to direct money received from fines and payments for environmental offences under 10 federal environmental statutes to worthy environmental projects. Eligible projects must be located in the region in which the offence occurred and address one of the following categories: Restoration, Environmental Quality Improvement, Research & Development,...

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Published on: 2 Jun 2014 By

Matrimonial Home: Should I stay or should I go?

Clients who are going through a separation often ask me whether it is OK to move out of the matrimonial home before all the issues arising out of their separation have been resolved. Sometimes tensions are high and the client believes some physical distance is required in order to keep the peace.  Sometimes the client...

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Published on: 8 Apr 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate change, Ultimatum and game theory

Matthew’s Glass novel, Ultimatum, has a compellingly plausible premise. It is 2032. Decades of Copenhagen-type negotiations have produced nothing but broken promises. As the seas and storms rise, low-lying areas like Florida and Louisiana become uninsurable, then uninhabitable (not to mention island states and Bangladesh). The new US president must decide whether to keep lying...

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