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Published on: 27 Aug 2014 By

2014 Pesticide Prosecution โ€œRoundupโ€

Earlier this summer we reported that Ontario Pesticide Act prosecutions have become infrequent since the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOE) stopped having specialized pesticide enforcement staff. Now that the season is soon to change over, we decided to take a look at the yearโ€™s violation reports to see if MOEโ€™s intentions with...

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Published on: 8 Jun 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Lead Pipes and Drinking Water, #2

The Ministry of the Environment has responded to the furore over lead in drinking water with new regulations, and a proposal for more. Most of the resulting financial burden will, as usual, fall on the municipalities. โ€ข O.Reg. 243/07 (Schools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries โ€“ EBR posting 010-0734), is already in effect. it โ€“...

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Published on: 7 Mar 2014 By

Towards a New Class Action Certification Costs Framework?

Introduction In a succession of decisions issued in November 2013, Justice Belobaba articulated a new framework for determining the appropriate level of costs to be awarded on class action certification motions.1ย  Citing the fundamental objective of access to justice, Belobaba J. expressed a preference for a no costs regime in class proceedings.ย  His Honour indicated...

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Published on: 29 Sep 2014 By

Port Authority biased in approving coal port?

This month, Ecojustice filed an application for judicial review of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s decision to permit a coal transfer facility. They claim that the Port Authority failed to consider some environmental effects, including climate change, and that the decision of the Port and its officers and staff was affected byย bias. Biasย is a serious...

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Published on: 26 Mar 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Wind appeals starting to settle?

Now that the Divisional Court has upheld Ontario’s renewable energy approval process, and the decisions of the Environmental Review Tribunal on concerns about adverse health effects, wind appeals are starting to settle. The Tribunal has heard appeal after appeal against renewable energyย approvals (REAs) for wind farms, many raising substantially the same health concerns (commonly concerns...

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Published on: 24 Jul 2015 By

A Short History of Wind Litigation in Ontario

Dianne Saxe delivered a presentation to the American Bar Association on July 22, providing a comprehensive overview of wind litigation in Ontario since the Green Energy Act came into effect. She traced a number of trends in the types of wind cases that are being brought before the Environmental Review Tribunal (including the persistent failure...

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