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Published on: 19 Dec 2018 By

What is “shared custody” and how is it calculated?

In family law, the term “custody” usually means decision-making. Having “custody”  means having the ultimate decision-making power over important decisions regarding the child, such as what child the school will attend, what religion the child will be raised in, what major recreational activities the child will take part in, and significant non-emergency health care decisions...

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Published on: 10 Apr 2017 By

Snapping Turtle Hunt Banned in Ontario

The Ontario government has announced amendments to the Hunting Regulation (O Reg 665/98, made under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997) that will, among other changes, prohibit the hunting of snapping turtles in the province. In its original posting to the Environmental Registry (the “Registry”) the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (“MNRF”) proposed...

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Published on: 3 Dec 2018 By

Rooney v ArcelorMittal: the Superior Court confirms the suitability of Oppression Claims for Certification

In Rooney v ArcelorMittal[1], the Plaintiffs sought certification of a proposed shareholder class action arising out of the events leading up to the successful takeover of Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation (“BIM”). The key issue in dispute was certification of claims for relief from oppression pursuant to section 248 of Ontario’s Business Corporations Act[2]. Justice Rady,...

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Published on: 20 Nov 2018 By

TELUS v. Wellman – Siskinds lawyers represent consumer association in the Supreme Court of Canada

On November 6, Siskinds represented the Intervener Consumers’ Association of Canada (“CAC”) in the Supreme Court’s hearing of TELUS v. Wellman. The Court’s decision could have major implications on Canadians’ access to the civil justice system. The Wellman appeal arose from a certified class proceeding directed at TELUS’s practice of “rounding-up” calls to the next...

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Published on: 21 Apr 2017 By

Congratulations, Paula Boutis!

Siskinds warmly congratulates Paula Boutis from our Environmental Group on her appointment to the Ontario Municipal Board (“OMB”), effective May 1, 2017. With her appointment as a full-time member to the Ontario Municipal Board, Paula Boutis will be leaving private practice after nearly 17 years. Since arriving at Siskinds in the fall of 2015, Paula...

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Published on: 9 Nov 2018 By

Everything is electronic: Implementing electronic delivery of franchise disclosure documents and electronic execution of documents

Everything is electronic. It certainly feels that way. Even in areas that are slow to adopt change, digital is taking over. While many franchise systems are on the cutting edge of technology in their offerings and their methods of conducting business with clients, the processes of selling franchises have taken longer to fully embrace the...

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Published on: 17 Aug 2017 By

Going to Court in Ontario: Selecting the Proper Jurisdiction to Commence Your Claim

Summary This article provides a comparative review of the two venues to commence your legal action in Ontario. Overview If you have suffered a wrong (i.e. breach of contract) you may commence a legal proceeding in an Ontario court. You may do so in Small Claims Court (“SCC”) or in the Superior Court of Justice...

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Published on: 22 Aug 2017 By

Best Lawyers Canada

Siskinds is happy to extend congratulations to Charles Wright of class action litigation, Henry Berg of corporate law, Jim Virtue of insurance law, Andre Michael of medical negligence, and Jim Mays of personal injury litigation for their recognition in this year’s edition of Best Lawyers Canada. Thank you for the hard work and dedication that earned this recognition....

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Published on: 6 Dec 2017 By

Chris Collins comments on Globe & Mail article about insurance assessment firms and accident victim reports

The Globe and Mail has written another article about abusive practices in insurer’s examinations. The article has the headline, “Insurance assessment firms altered, ghostwrote accident victim reports“. A couple of the problems the article covers, are assessors taking comments out of context, and picking and choosing what to put in a report. In quoting one...

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