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Published on: 23 Mar 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Kawartha oil spill cost recovery litigation drags on

City of Kawartha Lakes taxpayers continue to pay heavily for the Ministry of the Environmentโ€™s 2009 order, which required the City to cleanup an oil spill that it did not cause. While everyone agreedย that the City was an innocent victim of the spill, the Ministry saddled the City with $471,691 in cleanup costs, arguing that...

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Published on: 4 Jun 2015 By

Why special rules for endangered species on roads to turbines?

Why should endangered species protection in Ontario be different for roads to wind turbines, as opposed to roads leading anywhere else? Ontario has an elaborate system that allegedly protects endangered species. Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), endangered, threatened or extirpated species and their habitats cannot be harmed or destroyed, except by permit or if...

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Published on: 13 Dec 2023 By

Navigating minor’s share ownership in OBCA corporations: Exceptions, risks, and mitigation strategies

The Ontario Business Corporations Act (OBCA) serves as the regulatory backbone for the establishment and operation of corporations in Ontario. However, can a minor hold shares in an OBCA corporation? What if a parent wants to pass on shares to their child? And if so, what risks come with this possibility? This blog post will...

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Published on: 2 Oct 2023 By

Power of attorney issues: Compensation for powers of attorney for property

If you have been named as an attorney for property1 pursuant to a continuing power of attorney for property, you may be wondering whether or not you are entitled to receive compensation for acting in this capacity and, if so, how that compensation is calculated. This is a fair question to ask. After all, acting...

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Published on: 5 Jan 2023 By

Consequences of medical record snooping

โ€œSnoopingโ€ is when someone accesses personal health information without the proper authorisation.ย  Snooping is included in the offences set out in the Personal Health Information Protection Act (โ€œPHIPAโ€). Snooping continues to be a live issue in the field of digital health. In light of this, punishments for snooping have increased. Bill 188 was introduced in...

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Published on: 3 Jan 2023 By

Should I sue in Simplified Procedure and when do I need to decide?

When you start a personal injury lawsuit in Ontario, you must consider whether you want to proceed in one of three ways: There are pros and cons for each forum depending on the type of case you have. One of which is the presence of juries. There is no jury for a Small Claim Court...

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Published on: 28 Feb 2018 By

She’s Having a Baby! What do the New Extended EI Parental Benefits Mean for Employers?

In March 2017, the federal government announced its intention to extend employment insurance parental benefits to 18 months. This change took effect on December 3, 2017. While many Canadian employers are not thrilled with this change, itโ€™s not all bad news. Same Total Maximum EI Benefits Parents currently receive up to 50 weeks of employment...

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Published on: 9 Feb 2022 By

What can I do if I disagree with a class action settlement?

Class actions are regularly resolved by way of settlement. Unlike settlements in other types of litigation, class action settlements must be approved by the court. Once approved, the settlement is binding on all class members who did not opt-out of the action. Prior to the settlement approval hearing, class members are provided with a court-approved...

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Published on: 19 Oct 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

More slash and burn: drastic cuts to Navigable Waters Protection Act

Much like their hatchet job on the Fisheries Act, the federal Conservatives’ Bill C-45 has taken a similar axe to the Navigable Waters Protection Act,ย among other environmental changes in their latest Omnibus Bill. The protection of the Act will be slashed from all Canadian waters that can be traversed by boat (including canoe or kayak)...

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