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Published on: 21 Mar 2017 By (She/Her)

The Importance of Good Lawyer Advice in Family Law

โ€œCommon sense seems to have gone out the windowโ€ ย Lately there seems to be a trend in which judges have been rendering decisions where they are censoring litigants, counsel and government bodies such as Legal Aid of Ontario. In a recent decision the court found fault with the parties and Legal Aid of Ontario. In...

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Published on: 1 Jun 2017 By

Significant changes to the Ontario Municipal Board

The Ontario Municipal Board (โ€œOMBโ€) will be undergoing radical reform in the coming months. The Ontario government recently announced its long-awaiting plans to restructure the OMB. If the changes are passed, the OMB will be replaced by a new statutory body, which will be referred to as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (โ€œTribunalโ€). The Tribunal...

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Published on: 7 Jun 2017 By

Bennett v Lenovo โ€“ Another Step Toward a Consumer Privacy Protection Jurisprudence

Introduction The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Bennett v Lenovo, 2017 ONSC 1082 is an important step in the development of privacy class actions in Canada.ย In Lenovo, the Court refused to strike the majority of causes of action pleaded by the Plaintiffs, permitting this ground-breaking proceeding to continue. Facts The...

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Published on: 19 Jan 2018 By

Tactics used by insurers are “borderline harassment”

Arbitrator Musson, in the recent decision SP and RBC Insurance, reviewed the conduct of Aviva Insurance (who bought out RBC Insurance) in adjusting an injury claim made by a young woman hurt in a motor vehicle collision. The decision concluded with a comment upon the behaviour and conduct of Aviva/RBC insurance staff which were observed...

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Published on: 20 Dec 2017 By

The high costs of drinking and driving

As the festivities of the holiday season continue, we see many reminders to not drink and drive. The cost of drinking and driving is an incredibly high one โ€“ in both human life and financially for those who are found guilty. According to MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), crashes involving alcohol and/or drugs are...

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Published on: 23 Feb 2015 By

Ontario Needs Input on Climate Change Policy

Recentlyย the Ontario government released itโ€™s Climate Change Discussion Paper 2015. The report unveils the provinceโ€™s current thinking on policy options to address climate change, and asks the public to weigh in on such controversial options as a carbon tax versus other possibilities like a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions. If ever there was a time...

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Published on: 6 May 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

What will Alberta NDP govt do about climate change?

Congratulations to Rachel Notley and theย new Alberta NDP majority government. Their platform page is “not found”ย this morning, but it included several environmental pledges: $5 million annually to partner with financial institutions and extend interest-free loans of up to $10,000 for energy-efficient retrofits to homes and businesses, such as upgrading windows and doors or installing solar...

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Published on: 9 Jun 2015 By

Weird loophole in Toronto sewer bylaw

Toronto seems to haveย a weird and expensive loophole in its sewer bylaw. Virtually every municipal sewer bylaw prohibits the discharge of non-municipal water, such as storm water or groundwater, into its sanitary sewers. Stormwater and groundwater areย permitted only in storm or combined sewers, because putting themย into sanitary sewers drives up municipal sewage management costs, reduces...

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