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Published on: 13 Jun 2016 By

โ€œComfortably Numbโ€: Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

Traditionally, Canadian courts and arbitrators have upheld discipline against employees who have disobeyed company policies by using or possessing marijuana[1] on company premises. There has generally been no need for the employee to have engaged in dangerous conduct, so long as the employeeโ€™s use of marijuana occurred on company property. However, the potential legalization of...

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Published on: 15 Aug 2018 By

Federal Government Announces Funding for Four Projects Under the Environmental Damages Fund

The Environmental Damages Fund was established in 1995 to direct money received from fines and payments for environmental offences under 10 federal environmental statutes to worthy environmental projects. Eligible projects must be located in the region in which the offence occurred and address one of the following categories: Restoration, Environmental Quality Improvement, Research & Development,...

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Published on: 8 Jan 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Can purchaser of contaminated site sue neighbour?

The case is important because of the widespread (but, I think, mistaken) belief among some real estate solicitors and agents that a buyer can (knowingly or negligently) buy previously contaminated land and then sue the source of the contamination for the cost of cleaning up that pre-existing contamination.

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Published on: 22 Oct 2018 By

USMCA Trade Deal and the Environment

On September 30, 2018, the United States, Mexico,ย and Canada announced the completion of negotiations of a new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (โ€œUSMCAโ€) that will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (โ€œNAFTAโ€). While much commentary has already been written about the winners and losers in the new USMCA, the results for the environment are less than...

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Published on: 3 Oct 2022 By

My dog bit somebodyโ€ฆ am I liable?

During the pandemic, lots of people became first-time dog owners. With this added companionship also comes liability for the actions of their new pet. Unfortunately, we canโ€™t always predict the behaviour of our dogs. Dog attacks can cause serious injuries, especially to young children who are more vulnerable. You may never think about dog attacks...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2020 By

Itโ€™ll never happen to us: Union avoidance in the age of COVID-19

Union organizing campaigns can start in several different ways, however many find at their root a feeling among employees of unfair or unequal treatment by their employer. Sometimes the friction point is pay and benefits, other times it is entitlement to a benefit or advantage that others may receive in comparable workplaces. Today, employees are...

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Published on: 25 Nov 2020 By

How to trim eDiscovery costs part three: Leverage technology by adding tools and apps to your review

In my previous blog posts How to trim eDiscovery costs part one: Laying the groundwork, and How to trim eDiscovery costs part two: Review fewer documents and review efficiently, I discussed reducing eDiscovery costs by taking the time to set the stage before documents are exchanged, and by leveraging analytics to send fewer documents to...

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Published on: 21 Apr 2021 By

Laws of attraction: When allowing employee romances may be bad for business (and the employer’s pocketbook!)

Many people spend the majority of their waking hours at work. Close bonds and friendships often develop between coworkers and, at times, romantic or sexual relationships result. So whatโ€™s an employer to do when the โ€œlaws of attractionโ€ pose risk to the workplace โ€“ possibly even clash with the laws of the workplace? Forbid employees...

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Published on: 11 Jun 2021 By

The future of remote work: Important employer considerations

For many employers, the last 15 months has been a forced experiment on whether large segments of their workforce are able to effectively and efficiently work from home. Some employers have been surprised by how smoothly operations can run with employees working remotely. Other employers have learned that work-from-home arrangements โ€“ especially combined with childcare...

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Published on: 7 Jul 2021 By

Whatโ€™s an employer to do when Infectious Disease Emergency Leave ends?

With over 78% of adults in Ontario having received at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, there is much talk about the economy starting to rebound and employees returning to in-person work. Just recently, CBC News and Global News reported that hiring intentions have hit an all-time high as pandemic restrictions start to...

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