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Published on: 14 Sep 2020 By ,

Support for Businesses during COVID-19: CEBA application deadline extended

Despite being able to resume operations following the lifting of certain governmental restrictions related to COVID-19, many business owners continue to experience unprecedented financial challenges. After months of decreased revenue โ€“ or possibly even periods without any revenue โ€“ business owners may be struggling to cover their operating costs from month to month. In many...

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Published on: 1 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Wynne v Obama: sustainable Ontario?

In sharp contrast to Obamaโ€™s State of the Union Address, the first Speech from the Throne under Premier Wynne gives little emphasis to environmental issues, including climate change. As we feared from the composition of the transition team, the Ontario Throne speech was modest in its energy and environmental priorities:

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Published on: 16 Jan 2019 By

Intervenors Permitted for Carbon Pollution Pricing Case

Today the Court of Appeal granted intervenor status to both individuals and organizations in the Ontario Reference case scheduled to be heard for April 15 โ€“ 18. The Province of Ontario has filed a reference case challenging the federal carbon pollution plan after cancelling Ontarioโ€™s emissions cap-and-trade system that complied with the applicable federal standard....

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Published on: 25 Feb 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Is it better to pay taxes on income or on pollution?

For forty years, Canadian environmental law has tried to defeat economics. That is, we have forbidden people and businesses from doing things that save them money, and commanded them to do things that cost money. In the circumstances, itโ€™s amazing that weโ€™ve accomplished so much: air is cleaner, rivers are healthier, smokestacks no longer belch...

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Published on: 18 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Information Commissioner asked to stop muzzling of government scientists

The Environmental Law Centre of the University of Victoria has written toย Suzanne Legault, Information Commissioner of Canada, asking her,ย pursuant to s. 30(1)(f) of the Access to Information Act, to:ย investigate the federal governmentโ€™s policies and actions to obstruct the right of theย public and the media to speak to government scientists. “We request that you initiate an...

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