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Published on: 2 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Sewage biosolids consultation

The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment is wrapping up consultation on its proposed Canada-wide Approach for the Management of Wastewater Biosolids. The policy is intended to encourage the “beneficial use and sound management of valuable resources in municipal biosolids, municipal sludge and treated septage.”

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Published on: 14 Feb 2012 By

Independent Contractor: To Be or Not to Be โ€“ That is the Question

As an employment lawyer, I am often approached by clients on the issue of โ€œindependent contractors versus employeesโ€.ย Corporate clients look to use independent contractors, rather than employees, to perform work more cheaply and with more flexibility โ€“ without costs such as CPP, EI, EHT, WSIB premiums, benefits, overtime, etc. and without the necessity of complying...

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Published on: 14 Mar 2012 By

Temporary Layoffs โ€“ Another Lesson for Unwary Employers

In July 2011, I posted a blog on Temporary Layoffs โ€“ A Lesson for Unwary Employers. ย  Since then, on December 23, 2011, the Ontario Court of Appeal released an important decision dealing with temporary layoffs.ย This decision can be found at Elsegood v. Cambridge Spring Service (2001) Ltd. The facts are simple. ย  Mr. Elsegood...

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Published on: 30 Mar 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Are our migratory birds protected?

One of the oldest international environmental treaties is the 1916 Convention between the United States (US) and Great Britain for the Protection of Migratory Birds in the US and Canada. It was adopted after the destruction of the once ubiquitous passenger pigeon, to require each country to protect the remaining birds that fly between them....

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Published on: 14 Apr 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

More questions about the Toxics Reduction Bill

Many Ontario employers have serious concerns about Bill 167, the proposedย Toxics Reduction Act.ย Despite several consultation sessions, significant questions remain unanswered. For example, Why does the Bill allow all three levels of government to regulate a single industry’s use or release of a single substance?

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Published on: 16 Apr 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

NTREE calls for national carbon pricing and cap and trade

The federally-appointed National Round Table on Environment and Economy has issued an important new report, Achieving 2050: a Carbon Pricing Policy for Canada. According to the NTREE: it is urgent to act decisively, even in the face of current economic turbulence and evolving climate science. Calling for changes much more drastic than in the Dion...

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