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Published on: 5 Mar 2012 By

Mind the Gap! – WSIB Coverage for Executives

There are lots of employers in Ontario who have decided to exclude their executives from WSIB coveragein order to reduce those expensive premiums. The cost-savings can be significant but it is vital to ensure that you have the correct insurance coverage in place to pick up the slack. A recent decision of the Superior Court of Justice...

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Published on: 17 May 2011 By

The Dollars and Cents of Drinking and Driving

Labour and employment lawyers often write articles at the holiday season about liability for employers arising from their social events at which alcohol is served. And many clients seek opinions or draft workplace policies on the issue. Whether the employer is seeking to manage this issue for business reasons, ethical reasons, or both, when it communicates with...

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Published on: 25 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

American energy use in one chart

US energy policy has an outsize effect on Canadian law, regulation and policy. It’s therefore fascinating to see, in a single graph, how much  of what type of energy they use, and how that changes year-over-year.   The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory publishes annual energy flowcharts for the US. You can find a similar diagram for...

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Published on: 5 May 2015 By

Court of Appeal Upholds ERT Finding in Blanding’s Turtle Case

On April 20, 2015, the Ontario Court of Appeal restored the finding of the Environmental Review Tribunal (“ERT”) that the proposed Ostrander Point wind farm would result in “serious and irreversible” harm to the Blanding’s turtle. The Ostrander Point wind farm project is a nine-turbine 22.5 megawatt wind farm on Crown land in Prince Edward...

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Published on: 30 Sep 2016 By

A Case for Parent-Entity Tort Liability for Wrongful Conduct at Subsidiary Operations

The development of the common law depends on the Bar proposing something new when circumstances require. I recognize that’s not new thinking. Denning said it in 1954 and certainly better than me, in Parker: If we never do anything which has not been done before, we shall never get anywhere. The law will stand still...

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Published on: 3 Jun 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Transit, loss, and compensation

Our column in today’s award-winning SLAW revisits the Heyes case. “Public works often impose heavy losses on those in private property nearby. Under what circumstances should they be compensated?  That should have been the question in Heyes v. Vancouver, now Susan Heyes Inc. (Hazel & Co.) v. South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority. Alas, it was...

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Published on: 30 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Brownfield Regulation amended

The Ministry of the Environment has amended Ontario Regulation 153/04, under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA), related to brownfields. According to the MOE, the amendments “are technical and are consistent with the policy intent of the existing O. Reg. 153/04, as amended in December 2009. The amendments clarify the intent and scope of certain provisions,...

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