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Published on: 15 Jun 2016 By

Court confirms PMRA’s duty to conduct special reviews of pesticides

A recent decision out of the Federal Court has confirmed the federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (“PMRA”) duty to conduct special reviews. More specifically, the PMRA must conduct special reviews of any pest control product containing a special ingredient banned for environmental or human health reasons in another member country of the Organisation for Economic...

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Published on: 9 Dec 2015 By

Bird-building collisions and ECAs

The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (“MOECC”) has posted to the Environmental Registry  (“ER”) a proposal for a draft regulatory amendment to exempt reflective building surfaces (such as the windows of office buildings) from requiring an Environmental Compliance Approval (“ECA”). (Unfortunately, the date for providing comments has just passed). Reflective building surfaces are...

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Published on: 10 Jun 2016 By

Another piece to Ontario’s Climate Change response

On June 8, 2016, Ontario released its Climate Change Action Plan. The plan follows closely on the heels of the introduction of legislation that will put a cap and trade programme into place in the province. The 5-year plan is comprehensive, and hits on many of the same concerns as the Environmental Commissioner’s recent report,...

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Published on: 8 Jan 2016 By

TransCanada to sue US under NAFTA over Keystone XL decision

Calgary-based pipeline company TransCanada has filed a Notice of Intent to Arbitrate (“Notice”) under article 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”). It issued the Notice in response to US president Barack Obama’s November 6, 2015 refusal to grant the necessary approval to complete construction of Keystone XL, a proposed trans-national pipeline that would deliver crude oil...

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Published on: 22 Jan 2016 By

Methane catastrophe in California: implications for cap and trade

Southern California is, at this very moment, in the throes of what is potentially the most prolific gas leak to have ever occurred. The disaster–a methane leak at a natural gas storage facility in Porter Ranch, California–has yet to galvanize the kind of media and popular attention that attended the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010. However, particularly...

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Published on: 2 Feb 2016 By

Further wind litigation and the Oak Ridges Moraine: Part I

Another appeal of a Renewable Energy Approval (“REA”) for a wind turbine project has made its way to, and been refused by, the Environmental Review Tribunal (“ERT”). The appeal in SR Opposition Corp v Director, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, 2015 CanLII 86926 (ON ERT) concerned the construction and operation of a Class...

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Published on: 8 Feb 2016 By

PMRA intends to end conditional registration of pesticides

Health Canada recently announced that as of June 1, 2016, it intends to end the federal practice of granting conditional registrations of for pesticides. Under the Pest Control Products Act, SC 2002 c28, (“PCPA”), Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (“PMRA”) is tasked with evaluating prospective pest control products for entry into, and ongoing use...

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Published on: 11 Apr 2016 By

Half of World’s Natural Heritage Sites Are Under Threat

A chilling report recently released by WWF (formerly World Wildlife Fund) has found that nearly half of the world’s UNESCO-designated natural World Heritage Sites are threatened by industrial activities including oil, gas, and mineral extraction, overfishing, and illegal logging. Sadly, some of the world’s most iconic natural sites have made it onto the WWF’s list,...

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Published on: 21 Feb 2018 By

Financial Exploitation and Elder Abuse

What is Elder Abuse?[1] Several millennia have passed since, according to the Book of Genesis, Jacob and his mother, Rebecca, conspired to trick Isaac who was, according to biblical scholars, by then an ailing and blind 130 year old man. They tricked him into believing that Jacob was his brother, Esau, thereby securing for Jacob...

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