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Published on: 1 May 2020 By

Amending order provides clarity on director and shareholder meeting requirements

On April 24, 2020, the Ontario government issued an amendment to its initial emergency order in connection with meetings for corporations. The initial order, which came into effect at the end of March of this year and is discussed in my earlier post, provides temporary flexibility and relief from otherwise strict meeting requirements for corporations...

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Published on: 2 Sep 2020 By

Communication breakdown – Warner v Google LLC

Introduction The British Columbia Supreme Court’s recent decision in Warner v Google LLC (“Warner”)1, a privacy class action related to the collection of data from smartphones, puts the role of the representative plaintiff and the nature of the solicitor-client relationship in the class action context front and centre.  Before the Court were two applications –...

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Published on: 7 Aug 2015 By

Waste manifests v TDGR: when fed/ prov rules conflict

New Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation (TDGR) requirements are no longer quite consistent with the federal/provincial waste manifest form. This is challenging for shippers and waste managers. One problem is the change in sequence of required items. TDGR s. 3.5 requires the sequence to be: UN No., Shipping Name, Class, Packing Group In order to qualify as a TDG shipping...

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Published on: 12 Sep 2014 By

The Trillium Drug Program: Managing the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Serious financial issues arise out of serious injuries. Difficulties with income, money management, cost of care, and cost of medication, go hand in hand with serious injury, and an inability to work. In many instances Siskinds LLP represents individuals who have been seriously injured in an accident. They are incapacitated, and need help to access...

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Published on: 9 Apr 2020 By

COVID-19 in Ontario: essential places of business

These past four weeks have been turbulent for Ontario businesses, to say the least. On March 17, 2020, Ontario declared a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By March 23, Premier Ford ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses (the “Order”), and on April 3, the Order was revised to shorten the...

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Published on: 27 Jun 2018 By ,

A good day for do-it-yourself investors: The CSA proposes to prohibit the payment of trailing commissions to discount brokers

On June 21, 2018, the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) released a Status Report on their ongoing investigation into embedded commissions in the mutual fund industry. “Embedded commissions” is the term used to describe the practice of mutual fund managers compensating dealers (and their representatives) for mutual fund sales by way of commissions, as opposed to...

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Air Cargo

This action relates to allegations that the defendants unlawfully conspired to fix prices of air cargo shipping services on shipments to/from Canada between January 2000 and September 2006. Surcharges are extra fees charged by airlines to their shipping customers above and beyond basic rates. Surcharges are typically priced by weight or volume, with the intent...

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Invokana/ Invokamet

 A settlement has been approved in the Canadian Invokana Class Actions. The claim period has now passed (August 14, 2023) and no further claims are being accepted. The Claims Administrator is currently analyzing and processing the claims filed. A notice of decision will be sent to individuals that filed a claim once the claims analysis...

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Implantable central venous catheters (“CVCs”) are medical devices that are implanted in the chest or near the neck to provide long-term access to major veins to allow for repeated drawing and/or delivery of fluids, medications and/or nutrients. These devices are common in cancer patients who require repeat chemotherapy treatments, as well as in patients with...

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