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Published on: 15 Dec 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Smith v Inco appeal application

Kirk Baert has kindly permitted us to post his Application to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in Smith v. Inco. This was the first environmental contamination class action in Canada tried on its merits. The Appeal Court’s decision on liability has substantially narrowed environmental causes...

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Published on: 11 Jun 2015 By

Anti-fracking and Great Lakes Bills to Committee

The Ontario Legislature rose for the summer on June 4, with two environmental proposed environmental lawsย having received second reading, but awaiting Committee review and public hearings. The third environmental law,ย Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2015 (anti-SLAPP) has been debated but has not yet receivedย second reading. Bill 82, the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources...

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Published on: 30 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Drive Clean tweaked

Ontarioโ€™sย  vehicle emissions control program, Drive Clean, is getting a tuneup. Amendments to Ontario Regulation 361/98[i] (Motor Vehicles) under the Environmental Protection Act will modernize the Drive Clean program.[ii] By December 12, 2012, the Acceleration Simulation Mode (dynamometer) tailpipe test will be replaced with: [iii],[iv]

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Privacy Notice

Effective: January 1, 2004Last modified: Nov 14, 2023 (see changelog at bottom). This Notice explains how Siskinds LLP and our affiliates, including our Quรฉbec office, Siskinds, Desmeules s.e.n.c.r.l., (โ€œweโ€, โ€œusโ€, or โ€œourโ€) collect, use, retain, share and delete (collectively, โ€œprocessโ€) your Personal Information, which is broadly defined to include any information about an identifiable individual....

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Published on: 16 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Science, proof and causation: when courts and scientists disagree

Bad science should be thrown out of court. When alleged scientific data fails to meet relevant, objective quality standards specifically developed for that kind of data, no one knows whether the claimed result is either reliable or correct. It is fundamentally unfair to punish anyone based on such data.

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Published on: 20 Apr 2016 By

Dry Cleaner Sentenced to House Arrest for Improper Storage of Tetrachloroethylene

An Edmonton businessman and owner of a dry cleaning operation, First Class Cleaners, was given an four-month conditional sentence on that is to be served in the community. The owner of First Class Cleaners plead guilty to five Canadian Environmental Protection Act offences relating to the use of tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene or PERC)....

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Published on: 27 May 2016 By

Could an update to the Environmental Registry be coming soon?

Change may soon be coming to the Environmental Registry. The Registry has been crucial to supporting public participation in environmental decision making in Ontario for nearly two decades. Created under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 and administered by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (โ€œMOECCโ€), the Registry provides public access to information...

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Published on: 11 Apr 2016 By

Half of World’s Natural Heritage Sites Are Under Threat

A chilling report recently released by WWF (formerly World Wildlife Fund) has found that nearly half of the worldโ€™s UNESCO-designated natural World Heritage Sites are threatened by industrial activities including oil, gas, and mineral extraction, overfishing, and illegal logging. Sadly, some of the worldโ€™s most iconic natural sites have made it onto the WWFโ€™s list,...

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Published on: 10 Jun 2016 By

Another piece to Ontarioโ€™s Climate Change response

On June 8, 2016, Ontario released its Climate Change Action Plan. The plan follows closely on the heels of the introduction of legislation that will put a cap and trade programme into place in the province. The 5-year plan is comprehensive, and hits on many of the same concerns as the Environmental Commissionerโ€™s recent report,...

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