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Published on: 27 Jan 2015 By

Province and Feds Sign Great Lakes Act again

The Ontario and federal governments have signed the latest (8th) version of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (2014 COA). The purpose of this agreement is to implement Canadaโ€™s commitments to protect the Great Lakes made in partnership with the United States under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality...

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Published on: 24 Mar 2016 By

Plastic-bottled water ban on the horizon in Montreal?

Not long after announcing his cityโ€™s intention to ban single-use plastic bags by 2018, Montreal mayor Denis Coderre has indicated that banning plastic-bottled water may be next. Bottled water has long been decried for its heavy environmental footprint. Not only is it unnecessary where safe and effective municipal systems exist, plastic bottles create an enormous...

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Published on: 11 Mar 2016 By

PMRA failing to fulfill its mandate

The Federal Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development (โ€œCommissionerโ€) tabledย her audit findingsย on Januaryย 26, 2016ย of the management of pesticides by Health Canadaโ€™s Pest Management Regulator Agency (โ€œPMRAโ€). The Commissioner reviewed PMRAโ€™s efforts to protect Canadians and the Environment from the unacceptable risks associated with the use of pesticides. The report concluded With respect to conditional...

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Published on: 30 Mar 2016 By

Shell fined $500,000, pays $200,000 to First Nation following 2013 spill

In case you missed it, nearly 3 years following the event, Shell Canada Ltd has been sentenced for a spill of โ€œflare knock-out liquidsโ€ at a Sarnia-area refinery. The January 2013 spill affected members of the nearby Aamjiwnaang First Nation, who experienced a variety of adverse health effects (including sore eyes and throats, vomiting, nausea,...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2016 By

Priestly Demolition fined $70,000 for Spill and Failure to Report

The defendant, Priestly Demolition Inc.ย caused chlorine gas to be discharged into the environment when an employee operating a magnetic grapple attempted to move old pressurized gas cylinders. During the move, a valve snapped releasing the gas. The employee experienced a burning sensation and was taken to the hospital where he received treatment and stayed overnight....

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Published on: 15 Mar 2016 By

The GM Salmon debate: allow, label, or outlaw?

To what extent should we continue toย welcomeย genetically modified organisms (“GMOs”)ย into our food systems? The question has continued to invoke impassioned responses in recent years, with GMOs simultaneously touted by some as the salvation to global food security issues while decried by others as a menace to human health, the environment, and development. With the recent...

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Published on: 22 Apr 2016 By

Endangered Species Litigation in Court of Appeal

Earlier this week, two environmental groups, Wildlands League and Ontario Nature (the โ€œAppellantsโ€), were in the Court of Appeal for Ontario seeking to have struck down a 2013 regulation that significantly altered the regime for protecting species at risk in Ontario. When initially introduced in 2007, the Endangered Species Act (the โ€œActโ€) was hailed as...

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Published on: 10 Mar 2016 By

Energy East pipeline project faces further legal hurdles

Regional concerns over the contentious Energy East project have taken on an interesting twist recently. Quebec is seeking an injunction against the proponent of theย proposed Energy East pipeline project, Trans Canada Corporation, forcing the company to submit the project to provincial environmental assessment. The request came shortly in advance of environmental hearingsย conducted by the Bureau...

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Published on: 29 Apr 2016 By

Environmental Assessment in the Courts

A duo of recent decisions underscore yet again the need for an overhaul of the existing environmental assessment (โ€œEAโ€) regime. Environmental groups Greenpeace Canada, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Northwatch, and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (the โ€œApplicantsโ€) filed two judicial review applications of the EAs conducted as part of the proposed expansion of a nuclear power...

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