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Canadian Work Permit

Our team can assist you at any stage of your work permit application starting with an eligibility assessment through the preparation of application and submission to government authorities. If you hold a valid work permit, contact us to starting with an eligibility assessment through the preparation of application and submission to government authorities. If you hold a valid work permit, contact us to discuss your eligibility to extend your work permit.

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Published on: 1 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Minister Murray's mandate letter

Every Cabinet minister gets his or her marching orders from the Premier or Prime Minister. These “mandates” used to be top secret, but Ontario now makes them public. Here is the mandate letter for the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with our emphasis added. On environmental legislation, note the commitment to reintroducing the...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2023 By

Guardianship: What is it, when is it required and other FAQs

Have you been told that you need to obtain โ€œguardianshipโ€ to assist a loved one with their property and finances? Are you uncertain what guardianship is, what being a guardian entails, or how to go about obtaining guardianship? If you answered โ€œyesโ€ to any of these questions, this article is a good starting point on...

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Published on: 4 Jan 2016 By

A Year of Growth and Opportunity

As the new year enters with the promise of new beginnings, we wish to extend many thanks to our clients and readersย for making 2015 and excellent year. What a fabulous and exciting year for us. We were presented with many opportunities in 2015 including the transition Saxe Law Office to Siskinds LLP with the appointment...

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Published on: 2 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

New rules for boreholes and other test wells

The Ministry of the Environment is seeking public comment on a draft manual on test holes and dewatering wells. A โ€œtest holeโ€ is a type of โ€œwellโ€ that is made to obtain information about groundwater, and is not used or intended for use as a source of water for consumption. It includes virtually all the...

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