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Published on: 18 Feb 2021 By

Product recalls: What recalls mean and where to find information about them

Hand sanitizer recall sparks concern … Red onion recall expands across Canada due to Salmonella outbreak… Additional ranitidine products recalled worldwide If you search the term “recall” on a Canadian news website, chances are you will find a lengthy list of headlines like these. But despite how often product recalls occur, it’s not always easy to...

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Published on: 3 Jan 2017 By

Court of Appeal Hears Jurisdiction Motion in Airia Brands

In December 2016, the Ontario Court of Appeal heard an appeal in Airia Brands v Air Canada. The result of this appeal will have significant impact on the viability of global class actions commenced in Ontario and on the application of the real and substantial connection test in the context of a proposed global class...

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Published on: 26 Aug 2016 By ,

Civil Motions in the Superior Court of Justice: A Practical Guide

Since publication, this information has changed. View an updated version, published on July 16, 2024, here: Civil Motions in the Superior Court of Justice: A Practical Guide for Junior Lawyers. A motion is a formal request to the Court for an Order. Some motions will be contested, some will be on consent, and for others...

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Published on: 5 Jan 2016 By

$750,000 Fine for Killing Migratory Birds

On November 5, 2015 Canaport LNG Limited Partnership plead guilty to charges under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Species at Risk Act and was ordered to pay a total penalty of $750,000 by the New Brunswick Provincial court. The investigation conducted by Environment Canada into the incident disclosed that in September 2013...

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Published on: 25 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

More on approvals reform

Bill 68, the  166 page Open for Business Act [i] is now available for download. The Bill establishes a framework for reform of environmental approvals, as part of a three-year initiative intended to foster more efficient government services to business, while continuing to protect the environment and the public interest. This long-overdue Bill received first...

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