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Published on: 16 Jan 2020 By

Are employees “off-ramping” from your organization?

When employees experience personal trauma, challenging transitions in the workplace, difficult relationships with managers, etc., some of them will choose to “off-ramp,” a term referring to those who voluntarily resign or reduce their working hours. Many employers will be familiar with an employee deciding not to return to work from a pregnancy/parental leave. However, off-ramping...

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Published on: 3 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Downloading liability on municipalities

Senior governments seem to have no shame about downloading enormous,  undisclosed environmental liabilities on municipalities. In an English case, Corby Group Litigation v. Corby District Council, the Corby Borough Council (CBC) has been held liable for allowing residents to become exposed to toxic substances during its 1980s cleanup of an old British Steel works. British...

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Published on: 12 Nov 2019 By

Government, energy corporation can be sued in class action for flood damage says Newfoundland Court

Flooding is a major issue for many Canadians, often causing severe damage and consequent economic harm. The federal government has warned that extreme flooding is the new reality of climate change,[1] and the five most destructive floods in Canadian history have all occurred since 2010.[2]  A class action may provide flood victims with means of...

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Published on: 7 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Real protection of watersheds

In the ongoing fallout of Ontario’s unfortunate response to the Walkerton water disaster, the objective of Ontario's source protection plans will be too narrow: protecting the immediate vicinity of sources of drinking water. Watersheds have many “functions” other than providing drinking water, and they cannot be successfully managed with blinders on.

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