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Published on: 9 May 2017 By

Canada’s Anti-Spam Laws Enhance Consumer Protection and Provide Compensation for Improper Electronic Activities

(Note: There have been changes to the legislature since this article was published. Please go here for an update.) The laws of Canada protect consumers and computer users against improper commercial electronic activities. If you are a Canadian consumer who uses a computer or goes on the internet to research and purchase consumer goods or...

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Published on: 21 Feb 2018 By

The Role of Class Actions in Price-Fixing Enforcement

Introduction I’ve spent my legal career acting for plaintiffs in price-fixing class actions, a somewhat obscure niche which, until recently, simultaneously confounded and fascinated most people I met. Last fall, the Canadian Competition Bureau raided the offices of several major grocery chains, investigating a fourteen-year price-fixing conspiracy affecting bread prices. This aroused the public’s interest...

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Published on: 29 Feb 2016 By

A new approach to assessing resource projects coming down the pipeline?

The environmental review of proposed resource projects in Canada continues to undergo changes of late. Back in 2012, a duo of omnibus bills–Bill C-38 and Bill C-45–introduced significant changes to the way in which resource projects, such as the construction and expansion of pipelines. These changes included the scrapping and replacement of the existing federal...

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Published on: 1 Oct 2019 By

Private placement securities litigation in Ontario

This has been the year of cannabis market sector scandals. Headlines have been thick and fast. Investor losses have been significant. A large part of the financing that facilitated the massive growth of the cannabis sector has been through the prospectus exempt issuance of securities (more commonly referred to as a private placement). The trend...

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Published on: 12 Nov 2019 By

Government, energy corporation can be sued in class action for flood damage says Newfoundland Court

Flooding is a major issue for many Canadians, often causing severe damage and consequent economic harm. The federal government has warned that extreme flooding is the new reality of climate change,[1] and the five most destructive floods in Canadian history have all occurred since 2010.[2]  A class action may provide flood victims with means of...

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