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The law firms of Siskinds LLP, Sotos LLP, Koskie Minsky LPP, and Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP are counsel in a class action against financial institutions (the “Defendants”) who conspired among themselves to fix, raise, maintain, stabilize, control, or enhance unreasonably the price of currency purchased in the foreign exchange or foreign currency market (the...

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Silver Price Manipulation

The law firms of Siskinds LLP, Sotos LLP, Koskie Minsky LLP, and Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP are counsel in a class action against financial institutions (the “Defendants”) who conspired to fix, raise, decrease, maintain, stabilize, control or enhance unreasonably the price of silver and silver-related investment instruments. Siskinds’ Québec-based affiliate, Siskinds Desmeules, also filed...

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