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Published on: 14 Mar 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Nuclear Liability cap in Canada

As Japan battles to prevent nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, with the assistance of the International Atomic Energy  Agency, anxious eyes are turning to nuclear safety in other countries. Canadian reactors boast a relatively safe design, but still require cooling, and are therefore vulnerable to a major earthquake.  If a nuclear incident happened here, who would...

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

Maytag (Québec)

Maytag Front-Load Washing Machine Class Action (Quebec) Le 27 août 2004, Siskinds, Desmeules a déposé une requête pour autorisation d’exercer un recours collectif contre Maytag Corporation et Maytag Limitée. Le formulaire d’inscription et de réclamation est disponible au site web www.frontloadcanadasettlement.com. Veuillez contacter le Gestionnaire des réclamations au 1-866-553-1124 pour le recevoir par la poste....

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Published on: 15 Feb 2019 By ,

Affordable Housing and the Planning Act Authority for Parkland Dedication and Cash-in-Lieu

“You can neither lie to a neighbourhood park, nor reason with it. ‘Artists conceptions’ and persuasive renderings can put pictures of life into proposed neighbourhood parks or parks malls, and verbal rationalizations can conjure up users who ought to appreciate them, but in real life only diverse surroundings have the practical power of inducing a...

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

ON Gov Retirees Health Benefits

ON Gov Retirees Health Benefits A class action was commenced against the Provincial Government (Defendant) on behalf of all retired former employees of the Ontario Government who were receiving health benefits coverage as of June 1, 2002. The Statement of Claim alleges that the Defendant reduced a number of benefits to the retirees, including dental...

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Published on: 22 Jun 2012 By

Ready to Roll – Trailer Insurance Basics for the Open Road

Introduction With the arrival of vacation, cottage and horse show season in Southwestern Ontario, this may be a good time for you to review your insurance policies with your broker. This guide will provide you with a primer on what you need to consider when purchasing an insurance policy for items that you tow; whether...

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Published on: 9 Oct 2019 By

Google’s landmark win could set precedent for Canada

A landmark case from the European Union’s top court could spur Canada to create its own “right to be forgotten” laws, says cybersecurity lawyer Peter Dillon in a recent interview with AdvocateDaily.com. See the full article below. Google’s landmark win could set precedent for Canada By Mia Clarke, AdvocateDaily.com Associate Editor A landmark case from...

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Published on: 26 Jun 2015 By

New study of franchise territories – it’s not law, but still interesting

By Peter Dilon for AdvocateDaily.com A recent study conducted by Franchisegrade.com of the scope and extent of territorial protection granted by U.S. franchisors is of interest to anyone practicing in this area, whether for franchisors or franchisees. The study used as its source 654 franchise disclosure documents registered in 2015 with various state authorities, to...

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Published on: 3 Aug 2021 By

Gramoxone® (Paraquat) associated with Parkinson’s Disease

Gramoxone® is a non-selective herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds and grasses with an active ingredient called paraquat.  It is alleged that paraquat exposure is linked to Parkinson’s disease. Siskinds Desmeules, Siskinds LLP’s Quebec-based affiliate, has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all Canadians who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after using...

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