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Published on: 9 Aug 2023 By

Bladder drug Elmiron โ€“ linked to vision loss, macular degeneration โ€“ still among top non-patented drugs in Canada per 2023 report

Elmiron, a medication prescribed for bladder issues that has been linked to a unique form of macular degeneration causing vision loss, continues to rank among the top publicly funded non-patented drugs in Canada, according to a government report on public drug plan expenditures published earlier this year. The latest edition of Canadaโ€™s โ€œAnnual Public Drug...

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Published on: 9 Jul 2024 By ,

Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits on the rise in North America

Suboxone is a medication containing buprenorphine, which is a first-line treatment for opioid addiction. Suboxone is sold as oral tablets or film and is meant to be left in the mouth, either under the tongue or in the cheek, and allowed to dissolve to take effect. However, in recent years, researchers have identified a link...

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Published on: 30 Apr 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

PCBs in fish

PCBs in your fish dinner? Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) were used for decades in industry and to make electrical equipment like transformers and capacitors.[i] They are slow to break down and hard to destroy.ย  PCB are known carcinogens and have been linked to adverse reproductive, immune, nervous and endocrine effects, among others.[ii] Trace levels are found...

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Published on: 12 Jul 2013 By

What Should You Do If You Are Being Investigated?

Previously, Clearing the Air examined the difference between an MOE inspection and an investigation. In her latest entry, Paula Lombardi provides details on what you should do if you find yourself the subject of an investigation. If you are being investigated or inspected, having a clear operating procedure in circumstances when the MOE shows up...

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Published on: 5 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fracking and hazardous waste

Nova Scotia has followed Quebec, and has launched its own investigation into the potential environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing to produce shale gas, especially the impacts on water. Meanwhile, the US EPA is anxious to formally start its own review.ย  Its Science Advisory Board will hold two full-day sessions later this month to review the...

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Published on: 16 Aug 2012 By

Social Media in Personal Injury Litigation: Will defence lawyers and insurance companies search my Facebook, Twitter and other social media pages?

Introduction Hiring private investigators to monitor plaintiffs in their daily lives is a common practice for defence lawyers and insurance companies, in order to find out if the plaintiff has lied about or exaggerated his or her injuries. In recent years, they have begun to regularly search social media pages for this information. These sites...

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Published on: 22 Jun 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

More on Can they make you talk?

Decades after the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights, and Freedoms, and after thousands of Miranda warnings on TV, most Canadians think they have a right to remain silent when the government comes after them. To some extent, this is trueโ€“people pulled off the street by uniformed police almost never have a legal obligation...

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Published on: 8 Jul 2020 By

Ontario overhauls the Class Proceedings Act: Your guide to the complete list of changes

On July 7, 2020, the Ontario government voted to pass the most significant changes to the provinceโ€™s Class Proceedings Act, 1992 in the entire history of the legislation. For the full picture of what the amended Act will look like, click on this updated version of the Class Proceeding Act, complete with additions in blue...

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