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Published on: 13 Nov 2017 By

Securities Disclosure and the Direct Liability of Parent Companies at Common Law

In this post, I am canvassing a topic that has been the subject of passing comment by others, but which remains an unconsidered and unresolved issue in Canadian transnational tort cases. The issue is this: in considering whether a parent company owes a duty of care to a third party affected by the operations of...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2018 By

21st Annual Estates and Trusts Law Summit – October 10 & 11

Siskinds associate Dagmara Wozniak will be speaking at the 21st Annual Estates and Trusts Law Society of Ontario Summit on October 10th, sharing her knowledge on the topic of “Real Estate Issues in Estate Litigation”. To find out more about the two-day summit, taking place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, click here: https://store.lso.ca/21st-annual-estates-and-trusts-summit-day-one

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Published on: 21 Aug 2014 By

Millions for offsite gasoline contamination

The Ontario Superior Court has awarded millions to a neighbouring property owner for historic offsite gasoline contamination. The decision in Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. v. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. illustrates, and will perpetuate, the continuing confusion over liability for off site groundwater plumes. Justice Leitch never explains how her decision can be reconciled with the landmark Smith v....

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Published on: 12 Dec 2013 By

Buyer’s Remorse: Cancelling A Consumer Agreement

Buyer’s remorse: that feeling you get the moment you realize you’ve made a purchasing decision that seemed like a good idea at the time, but later seems like a huge mistake. Buyer’s remorse can happen for a number of reasons, and is especially common where you feel pressure to make a decision, or do not have...

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Published on: 7 Mar 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Jail for Garbage Fire

In October 2004, choking fumes from a giant garbage fire tormented Vaughan residents and created widespread health concerns. It took millions to put out the fire and clean up the transfer site. This week, those responsible for the garbage mountain were finally sent to jail, and fined a record $1.7 million, plus the 25% Victim...

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Published on: 15 Feb 2013 By

Four Ways to Be a Better Neighbour: London By-Laws and How They Affect You

Although most of us are lucky enough to live next door to reasonable and friendly people, living in a City means that sometimes we get in each other’s way. If you are building a fence, have a dog or a pool or are planning a big backyard party there are some rules and by-laws you...

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Published on: 27 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Syncrude found guilty in ducks case

Syncrude has been found guilty of two offences relating to the large duck kill of 2008. That April, 1606 migrating ducks died after landing on the toxic tailings pond of the huge Aurora tar sands mine. A member of the Sierra Club laid the original charges, another vindication for private prosecution. Syncrude was charged with:

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Published on: 24 Sep 2013 By

Ontario Power Generation Intends to Double Size of Radioactive Waste Burial on Lake Huron.

The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and a consortium of environmental groups has requested that the Federal Joint Review Panel suspend hearings assessing the Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) radioactive waste dump proposal until the company clarifies its stance on the status of radioactive waste. The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and a consortium of environmental...

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