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Published on: 11 Dec 2017 By

R v. Comeau – Siskinds Lawyers Represent Canadian Consumers in the Supreme Court of Canada in “Free the Beer” Case

On December 6 and 7, I appeared alongside my Siskinds colleagues Paul Bates and Ron Podolny in the Supreme Court of Canada for the hearing of R v. Comeau. Siskinds represented the Interveners Consumers Council of Canada (“CCC”), Canada’s leading general interest consumer advocacy organization. The Supreme Court’s decision may have far-reaching implications for the...

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Published on: 7 Sep 2021 By

Can a business charge a customer to access their personal information?

Typically, no. It’s not recommended. If you do, contact us as soon as possible because you may get into some trouble with the law. Best Practice: give your customer access to their personal information for free unless the request is excessive or repetitive. You must also have this written down on a forward-facing policy. How...

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Published on: 17 May 2011 By

Don’t forget to review your Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs!

It has now been almost 1 year since Bill 168 came into force on June 15, 2010 and, as such, it is time to review and, if necessary, revise your workplace violence and harassment policies and programs. If you recall, Bill 168 amended Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, thereby imposing significant additional obligations on...

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We recognize the unique legal and business requirements that accountants are faced with, and our experience in advising accountants on a variety of legal issues allows us to offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary suite of services tailored to assist accountants throughout their personal life, their career, and into retirement.

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Published on: 19 Oct 2015 By

Our practice is moving

Saxe Law Office is pleased to announce that, as of November 30, 2015, our environmental law practice is joining the respected mid-size law firm, Siskinds LLP.  Our skilled associates, Paula Boutis and Kirsten Mikadze, will be moving to Siskinds’ Toronto office. They will be continuing our environmental law practice there, together with senior environmental and municipal...

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Published on: 17 May 2021 By

My data was lost! Can I be compensated?

Data breaches are among the most common areas of subject matter for Canadian class actions in 2021. There are currently more than 80 class actions involving privacy breaches in progress across the country.1 Siskinds itself represents class members in several prominent ongoing privacy breach class actions, including ones involving Desjardins, Facebook, and Marriott, and recently...

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Published on: 21 Feb 2018 By

Financial Exploitation and Elder Abuse

What is Elder Abuse?[1] Several millennia have passed since, according to the Book of Genesis, Jacob and his mother, Rebecca, conspired to trick Isaac who was, according to biblical scholars, by then an ailing and blind 130 year old man. They tricked him into believing that Jacob was his brother, Esau, thereby securing for Jacob...

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