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Published on: 13 Jun 2008 By

Quebec Ontario Agreement on GHG

Cooperation on GHG emissions? Uh-uh — Feds’ knickers in a knot over pact between Ontario and Quebec Ontario and Québec signed a memorandum of understanding on climate change during Canadian Environment Week, on June 2. Premiers McGuinty and Charest propose that an inter-provincial carbon-trading system be established “as early as” January 1, 2010. They plan...

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Published on: 23 Aug 2013 By

All That e-Glitters: Bitcoins and Securities Regulation

What are Bitcoins and what laws apply to them? In a new post, Siskinds class action lawyer Daniel Bach explains what Bitcoins are and looks at a recent US court decision considering whether or not they should be governed by securities laws. The age-old question: “if a new security purports to be free of government...

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Published on: 23 Feb 2016 By

$4 million Settlement In Class Action Approved For Distribution

TORONTO Feb. 17, 2016 /CNW/ – Siskinds LLP of London, Ontario, James H. Brown and Associates of Edmonton, Albert and D’Arcy & Deacon LLP of Calgary, Alberta announced today the court approval of a protocol for the distribution of settlement funds in the XL Foods class action. The class action was commenced in connection with...

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Published on: 5 Jul 2023 By

Should my business have a ChatGPT policy?

According to a recent Time magazine article, “Almost 30% of the nearly 4,500 professionals surveyed…said that they’ve already used OpenAI’s ChatGPT or another artificial intelligence program in their work.”1 Additionally, Business Insider reports, “Of these [30% of] people, 68% hadn’t told their bosses that they were using these tools for work.”2 These percentages will only...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2024 By

Privacy pulse: A series on data governance

As a business owner or professional, you may be experiencing challenges navigating privacy laws throughout various jurisdictions, protecting personal and confidential information, and understanding the risks associated with non-compliance. As a Certified Information Privacy Professional in Canada and the United States, I frequently receive requests on how businesses can simply keep up with this rapidly...

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Published on: 31 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

How reliable are odour units?

345 Given that there are many steps in the process of attempting to calculate odour units which are problematic, and which contain so many points of bias and subjectivity, the Panel finds that the ultimate number or value coming out of an odour unit measurement cannot be relied upon as meaningful, particularly for the purposes of evaluating compliance with a mandatory term of a permit.

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Published on: 22 Feb 2021 By (She/Her)

User beware: the dangers of sharing personal health information with mobile apps

UPDATE: the FTC has now finalized its settlement with Flo Health, Inc., which requires Flo to notify affected users directly about the disclosure of their personal information to unauthorized third parties. If you are concerned or notified that your personal information may have been impacted in an app-related privacy breach, please contact Stefani Cuberovic, an...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Latest anti-wind appeal ends with a whimper

Just as wind scientists have noted for years, he testified that health effects are based primarily on people’s opinions about the turbines. Therefore, he said, if an individual believes that a turbine will harm him or her, that person will suffer such harm, and therefore turbines should not be built.

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Published on: 22 Sep 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Polluter must pay for cleanup, twice

It’s not safe for a polluter to trust a subsequent owner to clean up contamination, even if the polluter has specifically paid for the cleanup, and even if the new owner signs a contract relieving the original polluter of liability. None of this will prevent environmental regulators from ordering the original polluter to pay for...

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